A complete reference of the be

A complete reference of the best drinks for high blood lipids

High blood lipid puts pressure on many organs of the body, such as the heart, kidneys, digestive system, etc. But the good news is that there is a long list of the best drinks for high blood lipids to help you out. These drinks include all kinds of natural juices, all kinds of brews, and some mixed drinks that both taste great and are very useful; So, if you also want to know more about healthy drinks for high blood lipids, stay with Sunich.

Useful drinks to reduce blood lipids

The following drinks are safe and healthy choices for lowering triglycerides and bad cholesterol, and many of them are quite inexpensive and easy to make.

  1. Water

introducing the best drinks for high blood lipids with the simplest and most familiar choice; we start with water. Drinking enough water during the day is a natural detoxifier and removes body waste products, including: Defatting the blood helps.


  1. Oat drinks

Oats contain a substance called beta-glucan, which reduces cholesterol absorption by creating a gel substance in the intestine and interacting with bile salts. It is interesting to know that a study in 2018 showed that consumption of oat drinks is more effective for reducing blood lipids than solid or semi-solid ingredients of this product. For this purpose, it is suitable to consume about 3 grams of beta glucan daily, and a cup of oat milk will provide up to 1.3 grams of this substance to your body.

When purchasing manufactured oat drinks, be sure to check the product label to see if they contain beta-glucan.


  1. soy milk

Soy milk can be a good substitute for cream and high-fat dairy products. Experts believe that consuming 2 to 3 servings of soybeans during the day; In the form of drinks containing soy and all kinds of food, it helps to reduce blood lipids.

  1. Cocoa drinks

If you want to lower your blood lipids with cocoa, you should look for pure cocoa drinks. These drinks contain large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and flavonol antioxidants and help improve blood cholesterol levels. On the other hand, drinks containing processed chocolate do the opposite and contain large amounts of saturated fat.


  1. Tomato juice

Lycopene in tomatoes is an effective substance in improving fat levels and reducing bad cholesterol (LDL). It is interesting to know that the amount of this substance is higher in tomato juice. In addition, this drink also contains niacin and cholesterol-reducing fibers. If you don’t have a chance to get tomato juice, Sunich tomato juice can meet your needs well.

  1. Berry smoothie

Anthocyanin is a powerful antioxidant that is abundant in berries and helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Also, these precious little fruits contain a lot of fiber. At the same time, they are low in calories and fat.

To prepare a delicious berry smoothie, just mix two handfuls of berries with half a cup of milk and half a cup of water and drink it. Of course, you can use low-fat yogurt instead of milk.

Strawberry smoothie, raspberry smoothie and blueberry smoothie are popular examples of berry smoothies. If you don’t have time to prepare smoothies, Sunich smoothies are waiting for you.


  1. Beet juice

This drink is rich in nitrates and can help reduce triglycerides and bad blood cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). Of course, if you don’t like the taste of beet juice on its own, mix it with various fruits and vegetables and prepare a delicious mixed drink. Usually, there is no problem in consuming 1 to 2 cups of beet juice during the day. Of course, to determine the exact amount of consumption, be sure to consult your doctor.


  1. Verjuice

Verjuice is a familiar name among the best drinks for high blood lipids. This drink is a rich source of vitamin C and in addition to lowering blood fat, it prevents the reduction of good blood cholesterol. Of course, if you have high blood fat, do not stop taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor under the pretext of drinking water. Also, add this useful drink to your diet as prescribed by your doctor.


  1. Beverages containing sterols and stanols

The presence of vegetables and nuts in these drinks make them suitable options for fighting high blood fat. This is because vegetables and nuts contain plant chemicals called sterols and stanols. These substances have a structure similar to cholesterol and will prevent the absorption of some cholesterol. For better absorption, companies mix these ingredients with a variety of juices, fortified herbal sprays, and yogurt and milk drinks to create delicious mixed drinks.

The best juices for high blood fat

In the list of the best drinks for high blood fat, we reach fruit juices. Fortunately, in this case, there are various and delicious choices that you can easily include in your diet:


  1. Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit is one of the most effective fruits for the treatment of high blood fat, which in some cases surpasses blood lipid drugs. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, and to use its healing properties, it is enough to include half a grapefruit in your breakfast.


  1. Apple juice

Apples are a popular, readily available, and inexpensive choice for dealing with high blood cholesterol. This fruit is rich in fiber and its consumption can help to quickly absorb fats in the intestines and stomach. You can include this wonderful fruit in your diet in different ways; Like eating apples, drinking apple juice, making apple and celery salad as well as  Sunich apple juice.


  1. Coconut water

The use of coconut water is also effective in reducing bad blood cholesterol. In addition, this drink increases good cholesterol (HDL). This natural drink contains large amounts of potassium and magnesium, and in addition to reducing blood fat, it also helps lower blood pressure.


  1. Grape juice

Grape juice is a strong source of antioxidants, and the flavonoids present in it reduce the level of blood lipids and increase the level of good HDL cholesterol by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Of course, we must add that the amount of antioxidants in red and purple grape juice is higher than that of green or white grape juice. Both types of Sunich grape juice are sold in the market and you can easily prepare and drink them.





  1. Orange juice

Orange is one of the fruits containing sterol and its consumption has a direct effect on reducing LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol. Of course, it is clear that to use the wonderful properties of this fruit, you should prioritize drinking natural orange juice or Sunich orange juice.


  1. Cherry juice

Use sour cherry juice to lower blood fat levels. This useful drink, in addition to reducing LDL cholesterol, is also effective in lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health. Note that these properties do not include sweetened cherry juice.


  1. Lime

Lime is rich in flavonoid antioxidants, potassium, limonene and vitamin C. These compounds play an effective role in lowering blood fat and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, by combining lime juice with some honey and garlic, you can prepare an effective drink for reducing fat and blood pressure.


  1. Sour cherry juice

The high amount of quercetin in sour cherry juice lowers blood fat levels. In addition, this drink contains phytosterol compounds that lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Also, the presence of potassium in sour cherry juice acts like a vasodilator in the body and dilates blood vessels. By consuming Sunich sour cherry juice, you can adjust your heart rate and blood pressure in addition to reducing blood fat.

  1. Pomegranate juice

If you are looking for the best drinks for high blood fat, be sure to count on the properties of pomegranate juice. This drink has 3 times more antioxidants than green tea, and in terms of the amount of antioxidants, it ranks higher compared to fruits such as cornels and oranges. In addition to reducing bad blood cholesterol (LDL), consumption of Sunich pomegranate juice or pomegranate juice that you make at home prevents hardening of blood vessels and reduces their damage.


  1. Cornel juice

Cornel juice is also rich in antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols. These compounds help reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad blood cholesterol (LDL). To benefit from these properties, it is useful to drink 1 to 2 cups of cornel juice throughout the day. But for more variety, you can mix cornel juice with other fruit and vegetable juices and have a nutritious and tasty drink.




The best teas for high blood fat

In the list of the best drinks for high blood fat, brews have a special place. The great variety of these teas gives you many choices, and after a period of consumption, you will notice their wonderful effects.


  1. Barberry tea

One of the most powerful teas for lowering blood fat is barberry tea. This tea contains a substance called berberine, which, in addition to reducing blood fat, helps regulate blood pressure. In addition, barberry consumption is useful for indigestion, digestive system health and diabetes prevention.

How to prepare barberry tea

It is very easy to prepare this drink and it is enough to pour some barberry with boiling water into a suitable teapot and put it on indirect heat until it brews like black tea. If you don’t like the sour taste of this tea, sweeten it with a little honey and drink it after it cools down.


  1. Jujube tea

Jujube is rich in fiber and the presence of this fiber helps to absorb and reduce harmful blood cholesterol. Additionally, it is a natural blood thinner and purifier and has significant antioxidant properties.

How to prepare jujube tea

Put some dry or fresh jujubes with some boiling water into a suitable teapot. To release the flavor of the jujubes, split them or remove the jujube seeds completely and divide the fruit into smaller pieces. Let the tea brew for 10 to 15 minutes. Of course, adding some barberry and fennel will multiply the properties of this useful tea.


  1. Ginger tea

Ginger is a powerful fat burner and has a significant ability to lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL). In addition, this plant root helps to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines and to lose weight.

How to make ginger tea

To prepare this herbal tea, put 1 tablespoon of ginger or 1 tablespoon of fresh grated ginger into a teapot with some boiled water and brew it for 15 minutes like black tea.


  1. Dill tea

By drinking dill tea, you provide a significant amount of antioxidant compounds to your body, which are very effective in reducing blood fat.

How to prepare the dill tea

To prepare this useful herbal tea, put 2 teaspoons of dry dill in a teapot with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brews for 10 minutes.


  1. Damask rose tea

Damask rose tea contains antioxidants and vitamin C. This tea has a diuretic effect and helps to detoxify the body, reduce blood fat and regulate blood pressure.

How to prepare damask rose tea

Pour 1 tablespoon of crosebuds with some boiling water into a teapot and let it brew for 10 minutes.


  1. Green tea

The catechins in green tea reduce the activity of cholesterol-producing enzymes. In addition, this tea is rich in polyphenol antioxidant compounds that are effective in reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

How to prepare green tea

To prepare this useful herbal tea, mix 2 spoons of green tea with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes. In general, consuming 2 to 3 cups of green tea during the day is fine and lowers blood fat.


  1. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon is indirectly effective in reducing blood lipids. This substance balances the blood sugar level and prevents false appetite. In this way, the fat burning process will be done more easily. In addition, cinnamon consumption increases the level of good blood cholesterol (HDL).

How to prepare cinnamon tea

Pour 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder or 3 cinnamon sticks into a teapot with some boiling water and brew it. If cinnamon powder is used, 10 minutes is enough to brew the brew. But it takes 20 minutes to prepare cinnamon tea with cinnamon sticks.


  1. Ginseng tea

Ginseng is an energizing herb and a mild diuretic. This plant helps control blood sugar levels and better fat absorption, and therefore, prevents fat accumulation. In addition, increasing energy and mobility help better metabolism and more fat burning.

How to prepare ginseng tea

The standard amount of ginseng is 1.5 pieces per person. To prepare the tea, scrape the ginseng roots and pour them into a teapot with a sufficient amount of water close to boiling and brew for 5 minutes with indirect heat. If you wish, you can use some honey to sweeten the drink.


  1. Mint tea

Mint tea helps to produce bile in the body and in this way, it will reduce blood cholesterol. In addition, consuming mint tea will make you feel full and, as a result, reduce weight and reduce blood fat.

How to prepare mint tea

Put 1 teaspoon of dry mint with enough boiling water in a suitable teapot and let it brews for 10 minutes.


  1. Sage tea

Sage prevents blood sugar fluctuations; It is anti-stress and effective in reducing blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels. In addition, the antioxidant compounds and phytosterols present in this plant help in the process of reducing blood fat.

How to prepare sage tea

To prepare this fat-burning drink, pour 1 teaspoon of sage with some boiled water into a suitable teapot and brew it for 15 minutes.

  1. Cumin brew

This drink is rich in fiber and is very useful for reducing appetite, increasing body metabolism and melting belly fat. In addition, the compounds in this substance help to reduce blood cholesterol. In order to lose weight, it is better to drink this tea half an hour before meals.

How to prepare cumin brew

Pour 1 teaspoon of cumin with enough boiled water into a suitable teapot and brew it for 15 minutes. After the brew cools down, add some honey and lime juice to it and drink it.


  1. Chamomile brew

Chamomile tea is an anti-stress drink that helps in better digestion of food, more body metabolism and weight loss. In addition, this tea is great for regulating blood cholesterol and lowering blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

How to prepare chamomile tea

To prepare this useful tea, put some dry chamomile in a teapot with a cup of boiling water and brew for 3 to 5 minutes. For more flavor, you can use some honey and lime juice when serving.


  1. Chicory leaf brew

Chicory leaves cleanse the liver and strengthen the immune system. In addition, it is effective in reducing blood cholesterol and thus reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

How to prepare chicory leaf tea

To prepare this useful herbal tea, pour 1 tablespoon of chicory leaf with a sufficient amount of boiled water in a teapot and brew for 15 minutes with indirect heat.


  1. Green coffee tea

Green coffee is an energizing substance that eliminates fatigue and helps reduce blood fat by increasing the body’s metabolism.

How to prepare green coffee brew

Pour 1 tablespoon of green coffee powder with 1 glass of boiling water into a suitable teapot and brew for 10 minutes. If you feel that the coffee is a bit thick, add more water and finally, for more flavor, you can add some honey to it when serving and drink it.


  1. Sumac tea

Sumac is an excellent source of various antioxidant compounds that help in weight loss, fat burning and blood cholesterol reduction. Also, consuming sumac is effective in speeding up the digestion process.

How to prepare sumac tea

Pour some dry sumac in a glass of boiling water and leave the lid of the container for 5 minutes until it is ready to use.


  1. Mary thistle / Milk thistle tea

Milk thistle contains a substance called silymarin, which reduces fat absorption. In addition, the abundant antioxidants of this plant have a great effect in reducing fat and blood pressure. Also, drinking milk thistle tea is an effective natural way to prevent liver diseases.

How to prepare mik thistle tea

Pour 1 teaspoon of milk thistle with enough boiling water into a suitable teapot and brew for 15 minutes with indirect heat.


  1. Thyme tea

Another useful tea for high blood fat is thyme tea. This tea is a powerful cleanser and detoxifier and works great for reducing bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Thyme belongs to the mint family and has a warm character, and its consumption is also useful for improving stomach bloating.

How to prepare thyme tea

To prepare this blood fat-fighting drink, brew 1 teaspoon of dry thyme with a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes and after cooling, flavor it with some honey.

  1. Nettle tea

Nettle is rich in antioxidants and prevents the absorption of excess and unhealthy cholesterol in the body. In addition, by regulating blood sugar, this plant reduces appetite and reduces the desire to eat sweets. Also, nettle tea strengthens the heart and lowers high blood pressure.

How to prepare nettle tea

Pour 40 grams of nettle leaves with 1 liter of boiling water into a suitable teapot and brew for 10 minutes. Drinking 3 cups of this brew after three meals will significantly reduce blood fat levels.

Final word

Take blood fat seriously, because this condition can lead to serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Of course, be careful that the best drinks for high blood fat are only part of the treatment process, and if you want to reduce your blood fat, you have to say goodbye to a iner lifestyle and fatty foods. In addition, according to your physical condition, consulting with a nutritionist will help you to make better choices of drinks that are beneficial for high blood fat. Be happy and healthy.

11 September 2023