Become famous and special by p

Become famous and special by preparing these summer smoothies.

Summer smoothies are a clear example of the Yakhdabehesht that we bought from vendors in the heat of midday summer, and with the first piece we put in our mouths, we felt deep coldness in our body. Now the same Yakhdarbehesht has been transformed into a smoothie with a variety of flavors and colors to be suitable for the modern world and meet the expectations of today’s people. Honestly, smoothies are a masterpiece of modernity and they easily have the power to bring your mood from zero to a hundred and change your energy from nothing to the most powerful possible. In other words, smoothies have become so intertwined in our lives that it may be impossible to imagine the world without them.

Colorful with summer smoothies

Admit that the summer season is exhausting and in the last decade, the earth is going through its hottest possible state. Sweating and losing body water due to heat is an unpleasant feeling that if it continues for a long time, it causes our body to weaken and pressure drop and problems that may be problematic for us. Meanwhile, drinking water alone is not enough for us. We will also lose solutes by sweating. Therefore, it is better to use drinks that provide our body with water and compensate for lost salts and minerals. Now, if various vitamins and proteins accompany these drinks, they will definitely become our saviors. In the following, we are introducing you the best summer smoothies for hot days.

Watermelon smoothie

This smoothie is for summer heat. Just when you are struggling with the heat, a watermelon smoothie will save you like Superman.

295 Calorie
10 min Time for preparing


Ingredients for preparing watermelon smoothie

The use of strawberries in preparing this smoothie makes its taste very attractive and special. In addition, considering that watermelon has a cold nature, you can also use banana to warm it.

ingredients Specific amount
Watermelon 3 cups
Banana 1
strawberry 2 cups
walnut 1

Steps to prepare cool watermelon smoothie

Watermelon Smoothie is one of the most attractive fruit smoothies that make a fuss in summer and in the middle of a hot summer day. In the following, we will explain the steps of preparing this unique smoothie.

Step 1: To prepare this summer smoothie, it is better to first peel the watermelon and cut it into small pieces. Then put it in a suitable container in the freezer for about 2 hours before preparing the smoothie, because this smoothie is tastier with cool and frozen watermelons.

Second step: After 2 hours have passed and the watermelon has frozen, put it in the food processor. Add the strawberries to it and then divide the banana into two parts and add to them. Put a walnut kernel on the ingredients, turn on the machine so that all the ingredients are mixed well. Watermelon smoothie is ready; Enjoy your smoothie!

Cantaloupe smoothie

There is no one in this world who claims that he does not like cantaloupe and cantaloupe smoothie. Cantaloupe is the summer fruit that fills your house with a pleasant aroma when you slice it. Now imagine that you are going to combine this fruit with pineapple, honey and other ingredients and prepare an attractive summer smoothie with it.

calorie 294
Time for preparation 10 min

Ingredients for cantaloupe smoothie

In this summer smoothie recipe, vanilla is also used, and if you don’t have it, you can also use Sanich’s vanilla flavored syrup.

ingredients Specific amount
Cantalope Half one
pineapple 1 cup
Greek yogurt 1 cup
Vannila extract Tip of teaspoon
honey To your taste

Steps to prepare cantaloupe smoothie

If you want to prepare this attractive and colorful smoothie with cantaloupe and pineapple flavor, follow the steps below. Just don’t forget that the amount of honey used in this smoothie completely depends on your taste.

Step 1: In the first step of how to prepare a watermelon summer smoothie drink, first of all, take the skin of the watermelon and remove its seeds. It is better to have a medium-sized cantaloupe. If it was small, a whole cantaloupe and if it was medium or large, half a cantaloupe is enough for this drink. Cut the pineapples into small pieces and put them in the freezer for 2 hours before freezing.

This smoothie is tastier and tastes better with frozen pineapple. After that, in your food processor, add frozen pineapples, chopped cantaloupes, Greek yogurt and honey as desired. Of course, the taste of this smoothie without honey will also be delicious. Vanilla is also used for the aroma of your smoothie. Now one pulse is enough to finally treat yourself with a glass of cool and sweet melon smoothie.

Kiwi smoothie

Kiwi is not a summer fruit, but it is one of those fruits that you can get in all four seasons. Of course, if you combine it with some fruits and spices, you can make the best smoothie in the world and enjoy its different taste. Kiwi has twice the vitamin C of oranges. For this reason, we recommend that you always put it in your fruit basket.


calorie 258
Time for preparation 20 min


Ingredients for kiwi smoothie

You can also use your own protein powders to prepare this smoothie. Due to the presence of yogurt in this smoothie, the protein powder in combination with the probiotic yogurt will make a fuss. Also, put the pineapple in the freezer 2 hours before to freeze it.


ingredients Specific amount
kiwi 2
pineapple ½ cup
Greek Yogurt 100 grams
banana 1
spinach 1 cup
Protein powder optional

Kiwi smoothie preparation steps

This smoothie will need more time than other smoothies. Follow the steps below to prepare a colorful and tasty kiwi smoothie:

First step: In the first step, divide the banana into 2 or 3 parts. Put the frozen pineapples into the food processor along with the peeled kiwis.

Second step: Now add Greek yogurt to the combination of kiwi, banana and pineapple and cut the spinach into several smaller pieces if they are large, then put them in the food processor and mix the ingredients until your kiwi smoothie is ready.

Strawberry smoothie

Strawberry is the colorful and fragrant fruit of summer,which without it to bear the heat of this season is meaningless. Be sure to try this summer smoothie.

calorie 398
Time for preparation 15 min

Ingredients for strawberry smoothie

To prepare this summer smoothie, it is better if you use the frozen strawberries cause you have more colorful and tasty smoothie.

ingredients Specific amount
strawberry 2 cups
banana 1
Greek yogurt 1 cup
milk ½ cup
Ice To your taste
honey To your taste

Strawberry smoothie preparation steps

This smoothie is both fragrant and delicious! Are you ready to spread the aroma of strawberries at home? If your answer is yes,get ready and go through the following steps one by one.

First step: To prepare this smoothie, it is graet to put the strawberries in the freezer for at least 2 hours before preparing the smoothie so that they be frozen. Now take them out of the freezer ,divide the banana into two parts.

Second step: In this step, pour both into the food processor. Next, add Greek yogurt, milk, honey and ice to this mixture. Don’t forget that the ice gives the strawberry smoothie a unique flavor and will cause foamon the top of your smoothie.

Step 3: Adding milk to the smoothie also helps all the fruits to blend well. Also, honey has a warm nature and adding it to strawberries makes it sweeter and removes its coldness. Of course, if you want to prepare a diet smoothie, remove the honey and don’t worry about the taste of the smoothie, because in both cases, this smoothie has a unique taste.

Step 4: Now turn on the two pulses of your food processor so that finally a glass of cool and sweet strawberry smoothie is on the table in front of you.

Banana smoothie

This smoothie is both lovely for summer and energetic and popular for winter. If you also love bananas and would like to experience the taste of this fruit in a smoothie, banana smoothie is the best choice for you.

calorie 204.5
Time for preparation 10 min


Ingredients for banana smoothie

You will only need 4 ingredients to prepare this smoothie. This smoothie contains milk and yogurt, so you can easily mix your protein powder with it.

ingredients Specific amount
banana 1
Greek yogurt 1 cup
milk ½ cup
Ice To your taste
Protein powder To your taste

Steps to prepare banana smoothie

The speed of preparing this smoothie is high and its taste is strange and tempting. To prepare this smoothie, just follow the two steps below.

First step: You don’t need to freeze bananas for this smoothie, just put bananas in a food processor and pour ice on them. Now add Greek yogurt and milk and mix all the ingredients together for a minute.

Second step: due to the presence of milk and yogurt, this smoothie is also suitable for adding protein powder. As a result, you will have a different and healthy smoothie.

Mango smoothie

Prepare mango smoothie just with this recipe to have a unique smoothie in summer. mango is a great fruit and very helpful for digestion system.

calorie 184
Time for preparation 10 min

Ingredients for mango smoothie

If you are a mango lover and want to try a tantalizing mango and banana smoothie, prepare the following ingredients and get ready to start some delicious magic.

ingredients Specific amount
mango 1
banana 1
Milk and water 1 cup
Fresh lemon juice To your taste
Protein powder To your taste

Steps to prepare mango smoothie

This recipe is highly desirable due to the presence of mango and we are sure that you will definitely enjoy it.

First step: You can also use frozen mango to prepare this smoothie. But there is no problem if your mango is not frozen. In the first step, you should first peel the mangoes and cut them into small pieces.

Second step: Put the banana in the food processor with the mango. Mango smoothie is better if it is a little creamy. For this reason, we recommend that you mix milk with water and add one cup to your mango and banana in the food processor.

Third step: add some ice cubes and a little lemon juice to this mixture and now turn on your food processor. 2 pulses are enough to mix all the ingredients well and your mango smoothie is ready.

Peach smoothie

Peach is another famous summer fruit. This smoothie will make you fall in love and we have no doubt that it will become a staple in your fridge this summer.

calorie 328
Time for preparation 10 min

Ingredient for peach smoothie

ingredients Specific amount
peach 3
banana 1
Greek yogurt 1 cup
milk 3 tablespoon
honey 2 tablespoon
Ice To your taste
Vannila and cinnamon To your taste

How to make peach smoothie

For this smoothie, it is better if the peaches be frozen. So you should put the peaches in the freezer at least 2 hours before preparing the smoothie. After the peaches are frozen, you can start.

First step: In the first step, put the frozen peaches those cores have been removed into the food processor. Then divide the banana into 2 parts and add it to the peaches. Bananas will give your peach smoothie a creamy texture.

Second step: Now add Greek yogurt, milk, honey and ice to this mixture and add vanilla and cinnamon flavored syrup. Now turn on your food processor for about 3 minutes to mix all the ingredients well. At the end, your aromatic and creamy peach smoothie is ready.

Orange smoothie

Orange smoothie is one of the drinks that you can prepare in all seasons. Because oranges are not limited to a specific season and are always available. Of course, if we need oranges in autumn and winter to prevent us from catching colds, we also need oranges in spring and summer to supply our skin with vitamin C and create a protective layer on our skin against the sun. This smoothie is rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins.

calorie 229
Time for preparation 15 min

Ingredients for orange smoothie

With orange, you can combine certain raw materials and create attractive flavors; In this table, we have included the necessary ingredients to have a delicious orange smoothie.

ingredients Specific amount
orange 1
Orange peel 1
banana 1/2
Greek yogurt ½ cup  
honey 2 tablespoon
ice To your taste

How to make an orange smoothie

Orange smoothie has a strong aroma and full of vitamin C , , so definitely try this smoothie. By following a few simple steps, you will have a beautiful orange smoothie in your hand.

First step: first peel the orange and then put the orange peel in the food processor along with the orange. Do not forget that without orange peel, your smoothie will not have an attractive taste.

Second step: Now add Greek yogurt, half a banana, ice and honey to this mixture. Of course, you can remove the honey in order to prepare a diet smoothie. after 1 minute by mixing all the ingredients in your food processor, you have an attractive orange smoothie.

Cherry smoothie

among the summer fruits, Cherries are especial. This fruit has a unique taste; But you should know that its nature is very cold and you should not overuse it. Cherry Summer Smoothie is an extremely colorful and delicious summer smoothie recipe so we decide to introduce to you.

calorie 348
Time for preparation 15 min


Ingredients for cherry smoothie

Cherries in this smoothie are combined with ingredients such as yogurt and bananas. In addition, honey can increase the sweetness of your smoothie.

ingredients Specific amount
cherry 1 cup
banana 1
Greek yogurt 1/2 cup
Milk and water 1 cup
Ice To your taste
honey 2 tablespoon

Steps to prepare cherry smoothie

A cherry smoothie is truly summery. This smoothie will save you from fatigue and heat after a hot day at noon in the summer. If you like, you can put the cherries in the freezer for 2 hours before making them to freeze and cool your liverto cheer you up.

Step 1: To prepare this summer smoothie drink, first of all, pit the cherries. Then, if you put them in the freezer to freeze, take them out of the freezer after 2 hours and put them in a food processor.

Second step: divide the banana into 2 parts, then add it to the cherries. Also, add Greek yogurt, water and milk, honey and ice to this mixture.

Step 3: Turn on your food processor for 2 minutes to finally have a delicious cherry flavored smoothie. Pay attention that you can easily adjust the concentration of the smoothie by increasing or decreasing the combination of water and milk.

Apple smoothie

Apple smoothie preparation steps

If you are an apple lover and want to eat your protein powder with this smoothie, we have good news for you; Apple smoothie is also a suitable smoothie for combining protein powders. The combination of apple with milk and yogurt means the combination of probiotics with proteins that our body needs.

First step: As mentioned at the beginning of the introduction of this smoothie, in the preparation of apple summer smoothie, you have no limit to the choice of apples. It does not matter what kind of apple you choose or have at home. Of course, the sweeter your apple is, the tastier your smoothie will be. First, peel the apple and empty the middle part.

Second step: Now divide the banana into two parts, and then put the apple and banana pieces into the food processor. Add yogurt to this mixture and pour milk, ice, vanilla and cinnamon on the rest of the ingredients in the food processor. You can also use Sunich’s cinnamon and vanilla flavored syrup.

Third step: Now add your favorite protein powder to this mixture. Finally, turn on the food processor and allow 2 minutes to combine all the ingredients. This smoothie is very tasty and aromatic and will remind you of the sweetness of apple pie.

Sweeten your days with summer smoothies

We recommend that you save this list in your phone so that you can easily access it if you need it. These smoothies are prepared from all the various and attractive fruits of summer and there is no limit in preparing them. Special summer smoothies are our special offers for this season.

Finally, we have good news for you, and that is, if you were out of the house or don’t feel like going to the kitchen and making a smoothie, Sunich produces delicious smoothies in different flavors that you can buy from stores all over the country and drink.