Cornel properties for liver, k

Cornel properties for liver, kidney, diabetes

If you like the taste of sweet and sour, you must have tasted the taste of cornel many times. But if you know the properties of cornels, you will enjoy this sweet and sour taste more. The nutritional value of this small fruit makes it one of the best and most useful autumn fruits. A fruit that lowers your blood cholesterol, protects the liver and has dozens of other properties that we are going to talk about in detail in this article. So stay with us.

Appearance characteristics of cornel

Cornel, with its scientific name (Cornus mas), has large shrubs and narrow and small, oval-shaped fruits. The color of the ripe fruit is red and the skin is smooth and shiny. The more this fruit ripens, the darker it becomes and the softer its texture. Unripe cornels are bitter and have high acid. Besides, it is not recommended to eat it. But this fruit has a sweet and pleasant taste when it is ripe, and its harvest starts at the end of summer. Inside the fruit, there is a 1 to 1.5 cm core. It is interesting to know that the taste of this characteristic fruit is liked by many animals such as wild boars and horned chickens, and if you are late to pick it, you might not have a share left!


Cornel nutritional value

Each 100 grams of fresh cornels contains 46 calories and provides about 22% of the body’s daily need for vitamin C. In addition, this fruit is a good source of various antioxidants and useful minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and zinc. It is interesting to know that the calcium in cranberries has overtaken fruits like apples and pears.

Also, the red color of cornel represents the presence of a large amount of anthocyanin pigments. These powerful antioxidants fight harmful free radicals in the body and improve overall health. In addition to these, the properties of cornels are significant in the treatment of many other diseases, which we will discuss below:


Properties of cornels

Cornel, despite its small size, has great benefits for health and the body. This autumn fruit is friendly to the kidneys, liver, heart and teeth, and it fights well against all kinds of pathogenic infections. If you want to know more about the properties of cornels, don’t miss reading this complete guide:

  • Cornel properties for fatty liver

If you have fatty liver, do not waste time and include fresh and ripe cornels in your diet as soon as possible. These small red fruits are strong fat burners and because of their anthocyanin antioxidants and other nutrients, they clean the liver tissue well. It is interesting to know that the results of some researches show that continuous consumption of blueberries and cornels for 3 to 4 weeks helps to improve liver fibrosis.

  • The role of cornels in cardiovascular health

We said that cornel is a good source of various antioxidants. One of these antioxidants is polyphenols, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by reducing bad blood cholesterol. In addition, scientific research shows that the presence of anthocyanin pigments is effective in reducing the risk of heart diseases in women. Also, by eating cornels, your blood pressure is regulated and the swelling of the heart muscles is reduced. Of course, in the meantime, the important role of vitamin C should not be forgotten. This vitamin helps to improve blood circulation and prevent arteriosclerosis.

  • Properties of cornels for weight loss

Cornel is one of the best fruits for weight loss diets. By consuming 1 cup of this characteristic fruit, you will get less than 100 calories of energy. At the same time, you provide your body with vitamins and minerals that are effective in increasing your body’s metabolism and helps your body burn more fat. In addition, this fruit, with its moderate water content, removes toxins and waste from the body.

  • Healthy kidneys with cornel consumption

If you have chronic kidney disease and your kidneys make calcium oxalate stones, take cornels seriously. This fruit is a strong cleanser for the liver and kidneys, and since years ago, the diuretic properties of this fruit have been emphasized in traditional Chinese medicine. Increasing the amount of urine cleanses the body of all toxins. In addition, by strengthening the urea production process in the body, cornel helps the kidneys function better and naturally.

Of course, don’t forget that choosing natural and pure cornel juice is always a priority.

  • Cornel and its benefits for the skin

Cornel contains the amino acid tryptophan and the hormone melatonin. These two substances help to improve sleep. As a result, collagen formation and the process of repairing and regenerating the skin tissue are better and the skin remains young and fresh. In addition, don’t underestimate the antioxidants in cornels, especially vitamin C. These substances are a good stimulus for increasing skin collagen and prevent the destructive activity of free radicals in the body.

  • Eliminate digestive tract infections with cornels

An infection in the digestive system causes diarrhea. This complication is very troublesome and causes the body to suffer from dehydration. This is where you should count on cornels as an effective home remedy. Due to the presence of tannin, this fruit has an astringent effect and by contracting the body tissues, it prevents the excretion of fluids from the body. For treatment, pour 1 tablespoon of cornel in 1 glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then, wait 15 minutes for the cornel decoction to infuse. Consuming 2 to 6 glasses of this strained decoction throughout the day will help treat diarrhea.

Another common disease of the digestive system is urinary tract infections. Research shows that consuming cornels is very effective in improving this condition. However, the main cause of this effect has not yet been identified. Some believe that the benzoic acid present in cornel cures this condition, and some believe that the presence of a type of polymer in this fruit is effective for improving urinary infection.

The second group believes that this special polymer, by preventing the attachment of Escherichia coli bacteria to the wall of the bladder and urinary tract, prevents the growth and proliferation of this bacterium and prevents the occurrence of urinary infection. We add that Escherichia coli bacteria is the most common cause of urinary tract infection.

  • Cornel properties during pregnancy and after

Cornels; It is a natural blood thinner; Therefore, its use is not recommended in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Because it may increase the risk of miscarriage. But there is no problem in consuming this fruit in moderation during the safe months of pregnancy. Of course, be sure to consult your doctor before use. Cornel helps the health of mother and fetus in the following ways:

  • Improving blood flow to the placenta and providing oxygen and better nutrition for the fetus
  • Strengthening the mother’s immune system
  • Coping with pregnancy nausea due to the sweet and sour taste of the fruit
  • Prevention of pregnancy constipation due to the presence of fiber
  • One of the sources of iron in the mother’s blood
  • Helping to treat anemia during pregnancy
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties and a rich source of antioxidants

In addition, due to its high nutritional value, cornel is a suitable fruit for breastfeeding mothers and provides the nutrients her body needs.

  • Relieving constipation with cornels

Cornel has laxative properties. Of course, everyone’s body may not have the same reaction to this property. However, it must be said that consuming cornels is one of the simple remedies for constipation. Each cup of cornels contains 1.5 to 3 grams of natural fiber, which, with other vitamins and minerals found in this fruit, makes it a healthy snack.

  • Improving eyesight with cornels

One of the antioxidants in cornels is a substance called anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are anti-inflammatory and help improve blood circulation in eye capillaries. As a result, the eye’s adaptation to light changes is improved. In addition, research shows that cornel consumption reduces the risk of certain eye diseases in old age. These diseases can be disorders such as night blindness or cataracts, which many elderly people are dealing with.

  • Properties of cornel to strengthen sperm

To have strong sperm with high mobility, count on the properties of cornel and include it in your diet. The significant amount of antioxidants in this fruit prevents the cell destruction of sperms and strengthens the sexual ability of men.

  • Cold treatment with cornel

If you’re suffering from colds, seasonal infections, or respiratory problems, try cornels. This autumn fruit is one of the best God-given sources for alleviating general diseases and reducing inflammatory processes. Even cornel leaf tea is very effective in this regard, and you can take some decoction of cornel plant to reduce throat inflammation during a cold.

  • Properties of cornel to cure anemia

If you are looking for a natural iron pill, count on the properties of cornels. As we said, this fruit has very few calories and does not cause obesity. At the same time, by consuming it, in addition to iron, you provide your body with large amounts of zinc, calcium and folic acid.

  • Cornels and diabetes

cornels are a healthy source of carbohydrates and the low amounts of glucose and fructose in this fruit do not increase blood sugar. Consuming this fruit reduces insulin sensitivity. But for this purpose, you should definitely go for fresh or dried cranberries as well as pure cornel juice and avoid cornel syrups and products that contain additives and artificial sugars. Of course, cornel leaves are also effective in this case, and it is said that consuming a decoction of cornel leaves with strawberry flowers can help treat diabetes.

  • The properties of cornels to reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure is the cause of many diseases and you should take it seriously. If you are looking for a natural remedy for this problem, taking cornels is a special suggestion. This fruit, with its high concentration of anthocyanins, is one of the common causes of heart diseases; It means it eliminates high blood pressure. So don’t deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating this delicious autumn fruit.

  • strengthening the immune system with cornels

cornels are a great treasure of vitamins and essential minerals for the body. By consuming this fruit fresh, you provide your body with important vitamins such as vitamin C, B1, K and E. In addition, cornels are rich in iron, manganese, copper and zinc. All these substances will ultimately help to strengthen the body’s immune system and reduce the risk of widespread diseases such as diabetes and various types of cancer. In addition, by strengthening the body’s strength, the healing speed of injuries and wounds also increases.

  • Properties of cornel for teeth health

If you care about your oral health, go for fresh cornels. This fruit contains compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth and prevent the formation of dental plaques. Of course, keep in mind that consumption of cornel products has the opposite effect due to the added sugars and may lead to tooth decay.

  • The effect of cornel in eliminating nocturnal enuresis in children

If your child has bedwetting, use a decoction of cornel leaves. For this purpose, boil 30 grams of cornel leaves with 1 liter of water. After 1/3 of the boiled water evaporates, strain it and pour some sugar in it. Drinking 1 cup of this decoction every night before going to bed, in a certain treatment period, will solve the child’s problem.

  • properties of cornel in strengthening memory

We said that cornels are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin increases the production of noradrenaline and improves communication between brain cells. In addition, the antioxidants of this valuable fruit neutralize the destructive action of free radicals. As a result, the causes of damage to cellular DNA and inflammation in the brain are reduced. Also, by consuming cornels, you can reduce the possibility of Alzheimer’s in old age.

  • Cornel and treating insomnia

If you have sleep disorders, stop sleeping pills and eat some cornels. This fruit is rich in melatonin and thus helps regulate your sleep cycle and increase sleep quality.

  • The properties of cornel for conceiving a girl

The fact is that various factors such as genetic factors are effective in determining the sex of the baby. However, the role of nutrition in this case should not be ignored. In general, pay attention to the following categories:

  • Warm nature’s foods and foods containing sodium and potassium contribute to the possibility that the baby will be a boy.
  • Cold nature’s foods and foods that contain magnesium and calcium increase the probability of having a girl child.

Therefore, according to the above category and considering that cornel; It is a bit cold, moderate, dry and astringent, by consuming it you can hope to have a girl.

  • Prevention of cancer with cornels

cornels are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. The results of various researches also show that the consumption of this fruit and its inclusion in the diet play an effective role in the prevention of common cancers; Like prostate, lung, colon and skin cancer.

  • Lowering fever with cornel

Astringent and febrifuge properties are associated and this is also true for cornel. Consuming this fruit, by contracting the muscles and tissues of the body, controls excessive bleeding and brings the body temperature to normal. In addition, consuming this fruit can compensate the body’s lost nutrients.

  • Cornel properties in bodybuilding

The results of a study published in the Journal of Molecular Nutrition and Nutrition Research showed that cornel extract is the most effective fruit for reducing tissue damage. In other words, by consuming cornels, you can achieve faster muscle recovery and increase the potential of muscle growth.

The best time to consume cornels for bodybuilders is 1 or 2 cups before training. Of course, avoid consuming this fruit at the same time with dairy products, protein whey and casein, so that the absorption process of antioxidants is not disturbed.

  • Cornel kernel properties

If you suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia and other nervous disorders, do not throw away cornel seeds. Just soak some kernels for 4 to 6 hours. Then, put them on a clean cloth and beat them. Now grind the crushed kernels. Every morning and night, take half a tablespoon of cornel seed powder with some water to relieve all your nervous discomfort.

How to consume cornels

Now that you know the benefits of cornels, it’s time to see how to add this useful fruit to your diet.

The most common form of cornel consumption is to eat this fruit fresh. Of course, drying cranberries is also a good trick to consume this useful fruit throughout the year.

Another method is to use homemade cornel juice, or if you don’t have enough time, order a combination drink of Sunich’s antioxidant pomegranate and cornel juice. The use of cornel syrup is also a different and attractive choice for parties.

In addition, by cooking cornels and oranges and adding some sugar, you can make cornel sauce and use it to flavor a variety of foods and homemade sweets. Cornel jam is an attractive and different choice for breakfast. Finally, do not forget the cornel tea, which is a natural and effective treatment for many diseases and physical problems.

How to prepare cornel tea

Put some cornels with 1 glass of water in a suitable container and boil for 10 minutes. Then, press the cornels with a spoon to remove the juice. Now pass the cornel extract through a strainer and put it on indirect heat with some honey and cinnamon sticks to brew like tea. 10 minutes later, your delicious tea is ready and you can drink it.

How to make homemade cornel juice

If you have problems and chronic diseases such as diabetes and must stay away from additives and artificial sugars, use homemade cornel juice. To prepare it, follow the instructions below:

  • Soak cornels in cold water for 5 minutes.
  • Then, pour the soaked cornel juice with a few glasses of water into a suitable pot and heat for 30 minutes.
  • Mash the cornels with a meat grinder and pass the water and cornels mixture through a strainer.

Last word

As you have seen, none of the important organs of the body will benefit from the unique properties of cranberries. So it is better to include this delicious autumn fruit in your family’s food basket by maintaining balance in the amount of consumption. If you are a fan of variety, the various ways of consuming it; Consider things like cornel jam, cornel syrup, cornel tea, and dried cranberries.