how to make frappe

how to make frappe

Frappe literally means cold and frozen. This cool drink generally consists of espresso, milk and ice and is often decorated with milk foam and flavorings such as caramel or chocolate syrup and served in tall glasses.

Frappe worldwide

Frappe is one of those drinks that has many differences depending on the country you are in. In Greece, a frappe is made by adding a few teaspoons of instant coffee, sugar, water and milk to a cocktail shaker, garnished with a layer of milk foam and delivered to you. If you are in Bulgaria and Denmark, don’t be surprised if they serve it with water instead of milk, and in Serbia, frappe is made with milk or ice cream and fresh cream.

So if you are a frappe fan, be prepared that this drink may surprise you!

Frappe is a drink that was discovered very suddenly

The history of frappe (coffee frappe) dates back to 1957 at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition in Greece. The story goes that a Nestlé representative was demonstrating an instant chocolate drink for children, whose powder is added to milk and then mixed by shaking in a shaker. During a break, another Nestlé employee realized that he didn’t have hot water to make coffee. He was looking for a quick and easy way to get the caffeine he needed. Using the idea of ​​instant chocolate powder, he mixed instant coffee with cold water and He mixed ice cubes, shook it in a shaker, and yes, frappe was born.

As a popular and high-quality drink, frappe is served in cafes and restaurants, and due to its delicious taste and high variety of flavors, it has managed to gain a special place in the hearts of people around the world. If you are also tempted to learn how to prepare different types of frappe to enjoy this cool and delicious drink, stay with us in the rest of this article.

.How to make coffee frappe


  • A cup of espresso coffee
  • A cup of milk
  • Sugar or syrup (with desired flavor) in desired amount
  • Ice to serve as needed

Mix coffee with ice. Then add milk and mix all the ingredients in a glass . If you wish, you can add sugar or different types of syrups to it according to your taste. By mixing all the mentioned ingredients, your coffee frappe is ready

Note: The exact amount of coffee frappe ingredients may vary depending on the person’s taste and the desired frappe type. Also, if you are looking to use different syrups to improve the taste of this drink, you can also use Sunich syrups in preparing this drink.

How to prepare banana frappe with mocha


  • Two tablespoons of espresso coffee
  • One tablespoon of melted chocolate or chocolate syrup
  • One medium banana
  • Ice as desired
  • A cup of milk
  • One scoop of vanilla ice cream

How to prepare:

To prepare this drink, you must first prepare the coffee. Then put ice, vanilla ice cream, banana, milk, a tablespoon of hot chocolate or chocolate syrup in a blender and mix them together. Finally, add the coffee to the ingredients and add a little sugar if desired. You can also decorate your frappe with biscuits and bananas.

In making banana and mocha frappe, you can use Sunich chocolate syrup, which gives a unique taste to your drink.

How to prepare chocolate frappe


  • Milk: one cup
  • Crushed ice: one cup
  • Cocoa or vanilla ice cream: one cup
  • Smoothed chocolate bars: one cup
  • Grated chocolate for decoration: two tablespoons
  • Sugar: a tablespoon
  • Coffee: one taespoon

How to prepare:

The popularity of chocolate frappe is due to the combination of the pleasant taste of chocolate and the special aroma of coffee. These two combinations, with the soft and creamy foam that is added to the frappe, will make a pleasant and enjoyable experience for both coffee lovers and chocolate lovers. To prepare this drink, first melt the chocolate bar in a bain-marie method and pour it together with ice cream, crushed ice, milk, instant coffee or Nescafe and sugar in a blender until smooth.

When the foam is formed on the ingredients, turn off the blender and pour this delicious mixture into a glass and garnish it with grated chocolate and enjoy.

How to make peanut butter frappe


  • One or two tablespoons of peanut butter (depending on taste)
  • A teaspoon of Nescafe powder (instant coffee)
  • A tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • A cup of milk or soy milk
  • Half a cup of crushed ice
  • Cream for decoration

How to prepare:

In a blender, pour peanut butter, mocha coffee and cocoa powder and mix. Then add milk or soy milk and ice cubes to the ingredients.

Add a teaspoon of Nescafe powder (instant coffee) with a few spoons of hot water to prepare fragrant and tasty coffee. Of course, you can also prepare a cup of espresso with the help of a coffee pot or an espresso machine. Now, mix all the mentioned ingredients for a few minutes until a smooth and creamy mixture is obtained.

Congratulations! Your frappe is ready. Now you can enjoy your peanut butter frappe and decorate it according to your taste with other ingredients such as chocolate powder, cream and chopped peanuts.

When preparing frappe, pay attention to these points:

  • You can use grated chocolate or cocoa powder to decorate.
  • You can use vanilla, caramel or chocolate syrup to improve the taste and aroma of frappe.
  • In preparing this drink, you can use different coffees such as espresso or French coffee to create a different experience for you.
  • If you want vegan and vegetarian frappes, you can use vegetable milk instead of milk, such as; Use soy milk, almond milk, or coconut milk.


In general, frappe is a popular drink that brings a unique taste and pleasure by mixing coffee, milk and other ingredients. Each type of frappe is interesting for its own reasons, from the taste of coffee to the sweetness of bananas and different milks. By following the right instructions and adding creative details, you can make different frappes at home and enjoy this delicious drink.

12 August 2023