Mango properties for skin and

Mango properties for skin and hair that will surprise you

Mango is nicknamed the “King of Fruits” and has hundreds of different varieties around the world. But it seems that the benefits of mango for the skin are not specific to a specific region and a specific type of this fruit and it is famous worldwide. mango; It fights against many skin problems and is considered a low-complication natural source for maintaining the health of skin and hair; Therefore, if you are curious to know what are the properties of mango for skin and hair and how to use it, don’t miss reading this article from Sunich.

Prevention of pimples and acne with mango

Mango contains magnesium and this mineral can help reduce skin oiliness and treat acne. Also, this fruit is astringent and cleansing, and the compounds in it, with its antibacterial properties, clean the pores of the skin and prevent the occurrence of blackpimple and acne. In addition, vitamins A and C present in this fruit play an effective role in improving and eliminating skin acne.

Note that in addition to eating this fruit, using mango oil or mask is also very effective. To prepare the mask, crush some ripe mango and make a smooth paste. Then, leave this paste on your face skin for 5 to 10 minutes and then wipe your face. After a period of persistence on this method, you will notice its wonderful effects on your skin.

Using mango to remove skin wrinkles

Mango contains copper. This mineral neutralizes the damage caused by free radicals and reduces the fine lines and wrinkles of the skin. In addition, the vitamin A present in mangoes is also a great stimulant for collagen production, which has a significant effect on reducing wrinkles and lightening skin spots. Also, vitamin K in mango is a type of fat-soluble vitamin that reduces stretch marks and spider veins.


The property of mango in curring dry skin

Another property of mango for facial skin is to prevent skin dryness. In fact, this fruit is a natural moisturizer, keeping in mind vitamin E and potassium. To use this property, include mango in your food basket. In addition, topical use also has surprising effects. To do this, chop a mango and gently massage it on your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face with lukewarm water.

Strengthen skin immunity with mango

Mango is a strong source of antioxidants, and its abundant micronutrients, such as polyphenol compounds and beta-carotenes, play an effective role in strengthening the body’s immune system. This property includes the condition of the skin and protects the skin against the penetration of all kinds of bacteria and toxins.

Reduce skin inflammation with mango

Mango contains a substance called malic acid, which reduces inflammatory skin problems with its powerful antioxidant function. In addition, the anti-inflammatory role of vitamin C in this fruit should not be forgotten. Similar to a sunscreen, vitamin C reduces damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays and protects the skin from free radical damage.

Prevention of skin cancer with mango

DNA is a cellular ID card that may change due to factors such as poor diet, various diseases, aging and oxidative stress. But the good news is that mango consumption plays an effective role in repairing DNA, and in this way, it can prevent the occurrence of autoimmune diseases and all types of cancers; including skin cancer.

Exfoliating the skin with mango

Another property of mango for facial skin is exfoliation. This fruit contains compounds called alpha hydroxy acid. These acids are a kind of natural exfoliator that removes dry and dead skin cells and makes the skin fresh and glowing.

Skin rejuvenation with mango

Consuming mango lightens the complexion. This fruit contains compounds that are very effective in making skin and hair pigments and help to rejuvenate the skin. In addition, vitamin A and C present in this fruit play an effective role in the production of collagen proteins and the formation of connective tissue in the body and improve the quality of the skin.

Mango properties for hair

Vitamin E found in this fruit and its skin improves blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth. In addition, vitamin A in mango provides the moisture and fat needed by the scalp and hair, and in general, in the growth of body tissues; including skin and hair is effective. In the meantime, using mango oil is great for strengthening hair and is considered a rich source of vitamins, minerals and useful fatty acids.

To use mango topically to strengthen hair, mix 2 spoons of mango pulp with 2 egg yolks and 1 spoon of yogurt and leave it on your hair for 30 minutes until it becomes shiny and soft.

It is interesting to know that the topical use of mango core oil is also very useful in the treatment of dandruff and is an excellent moisturizer.

Side effects of mango consumption

Despite all the properties of mango for skin and hair that we have mentioned, the consumption of this fruit may also cause side effects. However, little research has been done on these complications. However, some people may consume this fruit; Either orally or topically, they may develop an allergy, in which case you should stop consuming the fruit and consult a doctor. Of course, it is usually recommended to try a small amount of mango mask on a small part of the skin in order to prevent this from happening, and use it if there is no allergy.

In addition, excessive consumption of mangoes may lead to side effects such as diarrhea or increased blood sugar levels. Also, this fruit has drug interactions with warfarin.

Some tips on buying and storing mangoes

To buy and store mangoes, keep these points in mind:

  • When buying, you should be careful to choose mangoes with healthy and uniform skin.
  • Mangoes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days and in the freezer for up to 6 months.
  • If you buy an unripe mango, put it in a bag in the kitchen for a few days until it ripens.
  • The best time to consume mango is before noon or in the evening and you can count on it as a useful snack.
  • If you like to make your parties more special with the presence of mangoes, consider using the drinks of this delicious fruit. For example, mango nectar or Sunich mango syrup are good choices for entertaining guests. In addition, Sunich has a special offer for children and you can order 200 cc children’s mango juice to treat them.

Final word

We read together the benefits of mango for the skin. But as a final point, it is necessary to remember that having a healthy and fresh skin does not rely only on eating mangoes, and the presence of supplements such as staying away from stress, routine skin care, drinking enough water, and exercise should not be forgotten. Be happy and healthy.

21 September 2023