Passion fruit, typical tropica

Passion fruit, typical tropical

You will never forget the first time you tasted passion fruit. The oval fruit is about the size of a plum with a smooth, thick reddish-purple skin that is even tastier when ripe and wrinkled. Like the pomegranate, inside the passion fruit there are hundreds of edible black seeds surrounded by a golden jelly-like juice.
Passion fruit is one of the most delicious fruits in the world. It is sour when it is fresh, but becomes sweeter as the fruit ripens. The taste of passion fruit can be compared to citrus, pineapple and peach. This fruit is originally native to Brazil; But it grows in many tropical regions around the world. The properties of passion fruit are many. This fruit is a good source of fiber, vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and iron. Stay with us to learn more about the properties of this exciting fruit.

Properties of passion fruit

From regulating blood pressure to improving digestive health, this tasty fruit does everything to improve the functioning of your body system. After getting acquainted with the properties of passion fruit, you will probably be encouraged to add this strange and unique fruit to your diet.

Help to treat diabetes

Passion fruit is very useful for people with diabetes due to its high fiber content. This fruit also has a type of fiber called pectin, which keeps you full for a long time without increasing your calorie intake and makes the sugar in the fruit slowly absorbed into the blood. This prevents low blood sugar and hunger.

Regulation of blood pressure and heart health

One of the properties of passion fruit is regulating blood pressure. Potassium in this fruit relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow. This reduces the pressure on the heart and improves its overall health. Piceethanol in passion fruit also helps to reduce blood pressure.

Helping to be fit

The fiber in passion fruit keeps you full for longer. In addition, the essential nutrients in it boost energy levels without disrupting your meal plans.

Useful in pregnancy

The folate in passion fruit helps the development of the fetus, the consumption of folate or vitamin B9 is very important before and during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Another property of passion fruit is that it helps to strengthen bones during this period.


This fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A, a nutrient that is especially beneficial for the skin. Other antioxidants in the fruit such as vitamin C, riboflavin and carotene are also beneficial for skin health. Hydration brightens skin tone and delays signs of premature aging. Passion fruit is rich in picoethanol, which has an anti-aging effect.

Helping to reduce cancer

Passion fruit is rich in antioxidants that fight cancer-causing free radicals, it also contains vitamin A and other compounds that help prevent cancer. Pisatanol is another important compound in this fruit that is very effective in curing colon cancer.

Helping digestive health

Since passion fruit is an excellent source of fiber, it can be a good addition to your diet. The soluble fiber in its pulp and skin helps digestion. Fiber acts as a laxative and improves bowel function. Fiber also helps prevent constipation

How to use passion fruit

Have you ever wondered how to consume passion fruit? Or what to do with its water?

Passion fruit usually goes well with other fruits, especially mangoes and pineapples, peaches and citrus fruits in juices, smoothies, as a sauce for creamy desserts.
Passion fruit has a sour and aromatic taste, which is usually consumed by cutting the fruit in half and removing the pulp. The juice of this fruit is also one of the most popular drinks that are used in the countries of the world according to different tastes.

There are three main ways to use this fruit

  • Fresh passion fruit The seeds of this fruit are a rich source of vitamins and dietary fiber. To eat it, cut it in half with a serrated knife and then scoop out the soft mixture of meat and black seeds with a spoon and eat it. These seeds are not very hard and are easily crushed and digested with the teeth.
  • Passion fruit puree You can use this fruit to prepare fruit smoothies or dessert sauce. Cut the fruit with a sharp knife, put the seeds and pulp in a food processor and discard the inedible skin.
  • Passion fruit juice To prepare passion fruit juice, cut it in half, pour the contents of the fruit into a strainer, and use the back of a spoon to press the pulp and seeds. But you should know that you need a lot of this fruit to prepare a glass of passion fruit juice.

The combination of passion fruit with all kinds of desserts, cheese cake, ice cream and mousse will give your food a wonderful taste. You can use the juice of this fruit to prepare all kinds of sauces and add honey to make it sweeter.

Passion fruit is considered a luxury product that not all of us have access to. If you can get fresh passion fruit, you should try it once, but if you don’t have access to it, I suggest you enjoy all kinds of passion fruit smoothies, nectars and syrups that contain this attractive and characteristic fruit. . All the properties of passion fruit have been preserved in these juices.

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Last word

Passionfruit has a sour and citrus taste that is used as an edible fruit and juice. This fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and also contains significant amounts of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants.

Passion fruit consumption can help improve the body’s immune system, maintain cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation and increase iron absorption. Passionfruit can be used fresh, juice, or in the preparation of dishes and desserts.

The properties of passion fruit and its special taste make it one of the popular fruits in some regions of the world and it is recommended as an important part of a healthy diet for the elderly and people with heart diseases.

Although preparing fresh passion fruit is difficult; But it is very easy to include it in your diet as you can easily use Sunich passion fruit juices in drinks, salad dressings, etc.

03 July 2023