Persimmon properties and other

Persimmon properties and other useful information about the fruit of the gods!

How is your relationship with persimmons? Do you know why some countries call persimmons the “fruit of the gods”? What do you know about the properties of persimmons? You must agree that this fruit is not as popular as grapes and pomegranates. Maybe you are one of those people who usually avoid eating persimmons because of their fleshy and soft texture! If so, don’t miss reading this article. On the other hand, if you are a big fan of persimmons, we still invite you to read this article until the end so that the sweet taste of persimmons will be even sweeter for you. Stay with us.

Appearance characteristics of persimmons

When you hear the name persimmon, you probably think of a round fruit with an orange skin and a soft texture. Of course, you are right to some extent, because this is what we usually see in the market. But do you know that there are red and yellow persimmons, and also they are grown as the common tomato shape, apple-shaped and oak-shaped varieties?

for example; Mabolo or velvet apple is a type of persimmon from the Philippines that has a bright red color. Of course, there are other types such as Japanese persimmon and American persimmon. However, the main birthplace of this fruit is China and from there it found its way to other parts of the world such as Japan, Korea, Italy and Iran.

This fruit tree is a type of dicotyledonous flowering plants and a deciduous tree that grows mostly in tropical regions. Although there are few species suitable for temperate climates. Persimmons have sticky, juicy flesh separated by soft separators and are quite sweet when ripe.

It is interesting to know that the name of this fruit is derived from the combination of dates and plums, and this is because of the combined taste of these two fruits in the structure of persimmons.


Nutritional value of persimmons

Persimmon is a low-fat, sweet and vitamin-rich fruit. The nutritional value of 1 raw persimmon (about 168 grams) is as follows:

Nutrition facts of 1 fresh persimmon
calories 119 cal
carbohydrate 31.2 gr
Protein 1 gr
Fiber 6 gr
Fat 0.3 gr
Vitamin A 55% of daily body needs
Vitamin C 21% of daily body needs
Vitamin B6 8% of daily body needs
Vitamin E 6% of daily body needs
Vitamin K 5% of daily body needs
Manganese 30% of daily body needs
Copper 9% of daily body needs
Potassium 8% of daily body needs


In addition to the mentioned items, persimmons are a good source of magnesium, folate, thiamin, riboflavin and phosphorus and contain useful herbaceous compounds such as flavonoids, tannins and carotenoids

Properties of persimmons

Vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidant compounds found in persimmons have many benefits for health and recovery from various diseases.


  1. Slimming with persimmons

Persimmon is a low calorie fruit with high water and fiber content. fiber; It keeps you full longer and the juice of this fruit is effective in raising the body’s metabolism; Therefore, if you are looking for a suitable fruit in your weight loss diet to prevent overeating by reducing your appetite, be sure to count on persimmons and include them in your breakfast.

  1. Properties of persimmons for eye health

Persimmon is a friend of your eyes and with carotenoid antioxidants such as lutein and xanthine, it improves people’s visual performance. In addition, B complex vitamins play an important role in strengthening eyesight. Consuming this valuable fruit reduces the risk of diseases such as cataracts, night blindness and glaucoma.

  1. Cardiovascular health with persimmons

Water-soluble fibers in persimmons reduces bad cholesterol and blood pressure; Therefore, cardiovascular diseases can be controlled naturally by adding this useful fruit to the diet.

  1. Persimmons and treatment of anemia

As we said before, by eating a fresh persimmon, you can provide up to 9% of your body’s daily need for copper. This mineral has a special role in the production and reproduction of red blood cells and hemoglobin and improves anemia.

  1. Properties of persimmons for the skin

Persimmon directly and indirectly affects the freshness and brightness of the skin. This fruit is rich in vitamins which are useful for the skin, such as vitamin A and E. In addition, it is a natural moisturizer and moderates excess sebum. Even chronic skin diseases such as skin sensitivities and allergies get better with persimmon consumption.

By consuming this fruit, the function of the digestive system improves. This has a direct effect on the beauty and vitality of the skin and removes pimples and acne. In addition, the presence of various antioxidant compounds such as beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, liquin and lutein reduce stress and prevent complications such as premature aging of the skin and wrinkles.

  1. Persimmon properties to strengthen hair

The high amounts of vitamins A, C and B contained in persimmons promote hair growth and the softness of the scalp. These effects are possible both by consuming this fruit and by using it in the form of a mask. for example; If you have dandruff, puree some of this fruit and apply it as a mask on your scalp and let it stay for 20 minutes. Also, eating persimmons amends dry and brittle hair.

  1. Properties of persimmons for the stomach

Persimmon is a useful fruit for detoxifying the digestive system. In addition, this fruit makes the process of food digestion easier by increasing the secretions of the stomach. It is interesting to know that in this case, the use of persimmon flower tea is also beneficial for the stomach.

  1. Treatment of constipation and excretion problems with persimmons

Persimmon is a protective fruit against colon cancer and similar diseases. Also, despite the significant amount of pectin fiber in this fruit, it easily solves the problem of elimination and constipation. For this purpose, it is enough to eat persimmons twice a day. In addition, this useful fruit reduces swelling and inflammation of hemorrhoids. Of course, be careful to use fully ripe persimmons for this purpose.

  1. Blood pressure control with persimmons

Persimmon contains high potassium and this natural substance acts like a vasodilator in the body; Therefore, one of the important results of persimmon consumption is improving blood flow to body tissues and reducing blood pressure. This implicitly prevents important diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and brain diseases.

  1. Properties of persimmons in the treatment of fatty liver

Fatty liver is a common and dangerous disease. In this disease, we see the accumulation of fat in the liver tissue and disrupting its proper function. But with a valuable fruit like persimmon, there is no need to worry and very soon you can fight the fat accumulated in the liver tissue and clean the tissue of this sensitive organ in the best possible way with the help of the antioxidant army in persimmon.

  1. Persimmon and cold treatment

It seems that the names of autumn and summer are associated with diseases such as flu and cold. But at the same time, in these seasons we are blessed with useful fruits like persimmons. This fruit is an antioxidant bomb, and for this reason, with vitamin C and a variety of persimmon antioxidants, there is a strong immune shield against lung infections and seasonal diseases.

  1. Properties of persimmons for men

Persimmons are a wonderful energizing fruit that provides men with energy during a busy and tiring working day. Consuming persimmons reduces the production of prolactin enzyme in the body and thus lowers the probability of prostate cancer.


  1. Sexual enhancement with persimmons

Persimmon is an aphrodisiac and improves male sexual performance. This fruit contains a substance called retinol, which plays an effective role in the synthesis of male hormones. In addition, retinol increases sperm production in men. Also, this valuable substance prevents the creation of disorders in the male reproductive system due to chemical damage.

  1. Properties of persimmons for the body

If you feel that you get tired early during the day and don’t have enough energy to do your work, don’t forget to consume persimmons. This fruit is invigorating and removes stress and fatigue well. In addition, it is a very useful food to restore energy after doing a lot of physical activity or heavy sports. Also, persimmon is a rich source of various vitamins and antioxidants and helps to strengthen the body’s immune system.

  1. Persimmon is effective in treating kidney stones

If you have kidney and bladder problems, include persimmons in your diet. This fruit contains large amounts of calcium and potassium and acts like a natural diuretic; Therefore, count on the properties of persimmons to cleanse the kidneys, bladder and remove kidney stones.

  1. Properties of persimmon in strengthening the gums

If you experience bleeding gums during cold seasons like winter, you may have vitamin C deficiency. In this case, by eating persimmons, remove this deficiency and strengthen your gums. In addition, as we said before, this fruit protects the body against viral, fungal and microbial infections by stimulating the immune system.

  1. Reducing cell inflammations with persimmons

Chronic inflammation; It is the basis of many diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and cancer, and choosing anti-inflammatory foods is a smart decision to reduce inflammation and general health of the body. In the meantime, by consuming one persimmon, you provide more than 20% of your body’s daily need for vitamin C. This vitamin is a strong anti-inflammatory and protects body cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, carotenoids, flavonoids and vitamin E present in persimmons have anti-inflammatory effect and help vitamin C.

  1. Antitumor property of persimmon

Another property of persimmon is the anti-tumor effect of this fruit. This property is due to the presence of a substance called betulinic acid. It also has powerful antioxidants such as catechin and gallocatechol, which help the health of the body with their antiseptic, anti-bleeding and anti-inflammatory effects.

  1. Properties of persimmons for children

If you care about your child’s health, be sure to include persimmons in their diet. This fruit helps the child’s bones to grow faster and with its rich content of iron, it will cause better hematopoiesis in the body.

  1. Properties of persimmons in the treatment of cough and asthma

If you suffer from cough or asthma, count on the properties of persimmons. For treatment, steam 2 dried persimmons with some water and make a puree. Then, mix persimmon puree with one or two spoons of honey and eat it to relieve your cough and asthma well.

  1. Properties of persimmons during pregnancy

Persimmon helps a pregnant woman in different ways, the most important ones are mentioned below:

  • Strengthening the mother’s immune system
  • Eliminates anemia in the mother by increasing blood production in her body
  • Daily energy provider for pregnant women
  • Useful for the growth and development and ossification of the fetus due to its rich content of phosphorus and calcium
  • Prevention of viral diseases
  • Strengthening vision and helping to improve heart muscle function due to the presence of vitamin A and beta-carotene

Important note: Persimmon consumption is not suitable in the last months of pregnancy and may aggravate pregnancy constipation in some cases, depending on the person’s temperament.




  1. Regulating the function of enzymes with persimmons

The copper present in persimmon helps to improve the performance of enzymes such as cytochrome oxidase C and superoxide dismutase. Manganese as a cofactor is effective in regulating the activity of superoxide dismutase enzyme. In addition, B complex vitamins present in persimmons, such as thiamine, vitamin B6, etc., are cofactors that improve the catalyzing role of enzymes in the body and help regulate their function.

  1. Anti-cancer properties of persimmons

It is interesting to know that a medium persimmon alone can provide about 80% of the body’s need for antioxidants; Therefore, this fruit is an unrivaled source for fighting free radicals in the body, and with its regular consumption, cancer can be prevented. Also, this fruit prevents the proliferation of tumors and its transfer to other parts of the body.

  1. Prevent premature aging with persimmons

Aging shows itself with many signs such as skin wrinkles, various eye diseases, etc. But if you have persimmons in your food basket, you will not suffer from premature aging and as you get older, you will be safe from many age-related diseases. This fruit contains useful compounds such as beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and vitamin A, all of which play an effective role in reducing oxidative stress. In addition, some researchers believe that persimmon skin also contains a type of polyphenol that prevents the basic damage of oxidative stress.

Also, persimmons contain a substance called zeaxanthin, which prevents macular degeneration and helps improve vision.

Properties of dried persimmons

Dried persimmons also have many properties, in this section we mention some important ones:

  • Dried persimmons contain large amounts of vitamins C, B and K and help strengthen the immune system.
  • Dried persimmon fruit is rich in iron and is very useful for people suffering from iron deficiency.
  • Dried persimmons are one of the right snacks for weight loss. This fruit has a lot of fiber in its dried one and its consumption keeps one full for longer hours.

Properties of persimmon tree leaves

Persimmon leaves contain a lot of fiber, tannin and vitamin C. To use the leaves of these trees, brew it like tea and benefit from its unique properties, which we mention a few of them:

  • Persimmon leaf brew contains flavonoid compounds and thus helps to prevent cancer.
  • Persimmon leaf have antihistamine properties and reduce allergy symptoms such as runny nose.
  • Consuming persimmon leaf tea is effective in reducing skin inflammations and skin dermatitis.
  • Ethanol present in persimmon leaf helps to improve blood circulation and prevent blood clotting.
  • Persimmon leaf ethanol is effective in activating blood platelets and reducing plasma cholesterol.

Properties of persimmon seeds

Persimmon fruit is a unique fruit that even its seeds have a therapeutic effect. for example; Pay attention to the following:

  • Persimmon seed brew is useful for treating kidney and bladder stones. To do this, heat the fruit seeds a little, chop them and brew them like coffee.
  • Combine persimmon seeds with Arugula oil and use it to treat gout and back pain. Of course, before consumption, put the mixture of persimmon seeds and Arugula oil in a bottle, close the lid tightly and boil it in boiling water for 1 hour.

Persimmon in traditional medicine

Persimmon is a warm and moist fruit, and fruits like sour pomegranate, orange, lemon and drinks like green tea and bitter orange drink are good for it.

Persimmon consumption restrictions

Despite all the properties we have listed, there is still room for more research on the properties of persimmon. However, it is better to keep the following precautions in mind when consuming persimmons:

  • Consuming unripe persimmons may cause intestinal obstruction.
  • Be careful of taking persimmons and blood pressure medications at the same time; Because persimmons lower blood pressure.
  • Eating more than 1 to 2 persimmons per day may not have a good effect on the gut microbiota.
  • If allergic reactions occur after consuming persimmons, stop consuming the fruit and consult a doctor.
  • Persimmons contain high sugar and people with diabetes should use caution. These people can use more suitable alternatives such as tangerines, turnips and pumpkins.
  • After eating persimmons; Don’t forget to brush especially at night, because the sugar in persimmons can cause tooth caries.


Final word

By the end of this article, you must have understood the reason why persimmons are named as the fruit of the gods. Be sure that this fruit, like any of its counterparts, is not stingy in any way and will generously transfer its fresh and lively color and face to your life. For this purpose, just include persimmons in your daily diet. You will soon see how this delicious and juicy fruit will replace many of your medical treatments. In addition, the use of Sunich’s persimmon and cantaloup smoothie is also a different idea for serving at parties, with which you will experience a special mixed taste. We hope the article was useful for you; Be happy and healthy.

09 September 2023