Recipe for Kinds of Winter Smo

Recipe for Kinds of Winter Smoothies

Winter is the season of inactivity! It gets dark soon and people catch cold more often. But there are some stuffs that help us to have a proper lifestyle and stay happy and healthy in all seasons!
One of these stuffs is smoothie! Winter smoothies help us to have a stronger immune system, spend our day more energetically and even gain fitness in an easier way! It is a healthy and energetic choice for the breakfast.
But, what is recipe for winter smoothies? Which smoothies are proper for winter season? Stay with us in this article to focus on everything about these exiting drinks.

Get to Know the Types of Winter Smoothies

There are plenty of tasty smoothies that can be easily made at home. In this article, we introduce recipe for kinds of winter smoothies:

Ginger Smoothie

Ginger has warm temperament and is anti-inflammatory. These two properties make ginger popular for winter. In winters, we usually face with inversion and pollution in the northern hemisphere. Unfortunately, these effects are more severe in our country. Ginger has anti-asthmatic and anti-allergic effects that helps to remove this challenge.
Ingredients of Ginger Smoothie:

  • Fresh Grated Ginger: 1 tsp
  • Cinnamon: ¼ tsp
  • Nutmeg: 1/8 tsp
  • Cardamom: 1/8 tsp
  • Ice: 1 cup
  • Frozen banana pieces: ¼ cup
  • Simple Greek Yogurt: 200 g (almost 1 cup)
  • Raw Peanut Butter: 2 tbsp
  • Molasses or honey: 1 tbsp

Recipe for Ginger Smoothie:

It is very simple! Mix all above materials in a blender to have a smooth mixture: Molasses is concentrated sugar syrup (usually beetroot) that has a special taste or you can use honey or sugar. Freshly made pineapple ginger smoothie with Greek yogurt and juice.

Tangerine & Coconut Milk Smoothie

It is a specific smoothie for vegans in winter seasons and everyone can enjoy its smell and taste.

Ingredients of tangerine and coconut milk smoothie:

  • Average Tangerine: 4 to 5 (peeled)
  • Banana: 1 (ripe, sliced and frozen)
  • Light Coconut Milk: ½ cup
  • A Leafy Vegetable (like Spinach): 1
  • Mint or Coriander: 2 or 3 fresh leaves

Recipe of Tangerine & Coconut Smoothie:

To make this smoothie, you should only mix all materials in a blender. After mixing, check taste and smell of the smoothie. If you would like your smoothie tastes sweeter, add some banana. To make its smell better, use vegetables.

Apple Pie Warm Smoothie

If you craved for a new taste and an innovative delicious smoothie, make an Apple Pie Smoothie! This smoothie has no complicated materials and it is easy to be made.

Ingredients of an Apple Pie Smoothie:

  • Apple: 1 (remove its seeds and cut it in slices)
  • Water: ½ Glass (for a thicker smoothie, you can use yogurt)
  • Sunich Caramel Flavored Syrup: 2 tbsp
  • Cinnamon: 1 tbsp
  • Nutmeg: 1 finger tip
  • Bell Pepper: 1 finger tip

Recipe for Apple Pie:

Mix all materials in a blender. Then pour it into a mug and warm your appealing smoothie at microwave. Bon appetite!

Pineapple & Orange Smoothie

Pineapple & Orange Smoothie contains plenty of vitamins and is an ideal choice for your breakfast.

Ingredients for Pineapple & Orange Smoothie:

  • Sunich Pineapple Juice: ½ Glass
  • Sunich Orange Juice: ½ Glass
  • Simple Yogurt: ¾ Cup
  • Peeled Banana cut in half: 1
  • Honey: ¾ tbsp.
  • Cinnamon: q.l.

Recipe for Pineapple & Orange Smoothie:

Mix yogurt, banana, honey and cinnamon in blender till you have a smooth mixture. Pour pineapple and orange juices into icebox and put it into freezer to be frozen. After a few hours, pour the ice cubes into blender and crush them as much as possible. Then mix all materials and use yogurt and cinnamon to garnish the smoothie.

A Practical Suggestion!

If, for any reasons, you craved for a delicious smoothie in a winter morning and you cannot make it at home, you may easily have tasty Sunich smoothies. Sunich Smoothie is a drink fully made of fruits in which the fruit’s texture is preserved. Due to preserved fiber and useful carbohydrates, it makes you feel full and provide you with good energy.