How to prepare different types

How to prepare different types of jello (Persian jelly); summer heat’s remedy

What things are enjoyable in the hot summer weather that makes everyone tired? Swimming pool, a glass of cool water or relaxing under the airconditioner? Maybe some people agree with a glass of hot tea! Along with all these options, there is another way to escape from the summer heat that will cool you down even if you hear its name. jello! Probably, when the name of jello is mentioned, each of us has a different idea of ​​it; Because there are many types of jello with different preparation methods. There is even a sweet called Persian jelly (jello), which is made with starch. In this article from Sunich blog, we will teach you how to prepare different types of jello.

How to prepare all kinds of jello

Many types of jello are fruit based. But, if you don't want fruit in this summer drink, you have a few options. There is also a type of sweets called jello.

  1. How to make jello without fruit with chia seed’s syrup

You need some simple ingredients to make jello with chia seed. It is also very simple to make, but it takes a few hours. Ingredients to prepare this jello include the following:

Chia seed

2 tablespoon


1 cups


½ cup

Fresh lemon juice

2 tablespoon


To prepare this jello, first put all the ingredients in a container (preferably metal) and mix together. Then, put it in the freezer. After an hour, take it out and mix the ingredients and put it back in the freezer. Repeat these steps three or four times until the liquid becomes uniform and creamy.

  1. How to make jello with starch

Unlike other types, this type of jello is a very delicious Gilani dessert. This dessert is a bit difficult to make and the preparation and cooking process takes about an hour. We have prepared for you the cooking method of Ms. Roza Montazemi, the author of the book “Art of Cooking”. First, let's know ingredients to prepare this dessert:

Ground rice

½ cup


1 cup


2 or 3 cup

Rose water

½ cup


5 cup


4 cup



Dissolve the starch in one liter (4 cups) of cold water and filter it. Then, we dissolve rice flour (ground rice) in milk and filter it. After these steps, we should pour the starch dissolved in water into the mixture of rice flour and milk. We pour this final liquid in a clean glazed container and put it on a gentle heat. We should stir this liquid regularly until it boils and thickens.

Then we add sugar and rose water to the liquid. Remember that this liquid should boil slowly and stir it constantly so that it does not sink. When this final liquid is completely thickened (so that the line of the spoon doesn't fade on the liquid), the starchy jello is ready. Then pour the liquid into the tray and shake it until it is smooth. Then put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. Then cut it into lozenges and pour pistachio powder on it.

Don’t forget that after adding starch, cooking this dessert takes at least 40 minutes. If the time is less, the starch will remain raw. The dessert should stay in the fridge for about 3 to 4 hours to set. If you add more starch, this time will be less.


  1. How to make street’s jello with orange juice

Orange jello is one of the most popular types of this summer drink. The method of making it is very simple. To make this drink, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

Orange juice

2 cups


As desired

Rose water

2 tablespoon


Pour the orange juice into a container (preferably metal) and depending on how sweet you want your drink to be, add sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves. Then, add rose water to the mixture and put the jello in the freezer until it freezes. When the container is slightly frozen, take it out, stir and put it back in the freezer. Do this several times until the entire drink freezes evenly. Then pour this mixture in a suitable container and drink it. If you don't have access to oranges for juicing, 100% pulp-free orange juice of Sunich can be a good choice.


  1. How to prepare traditional jello

This preparation method has been used since ancient times, and fruit and juice are not used to make it. The main ingredients of this jello include the following:


2 cup


½ cup



Rose water

1.5 tablespoon



Pour water into the pot and put it on a low flame. When the water gets a little warm, remove it from the flame, add sugar and stir. Then add rose water to this mixture. Now put these ingredients in a container (preferably metal) and put it in the freezer. After an hour, take it out and stir it with a fork. Repeat these steps 4 times. After turning the mixture into a puree with a fork for the last time, add lime juice to it and drink it.


  1. How to make jello with syrup

Apart from using fruit and juice, you can make jello with all kinds of syrups. To teach how to make this jello, we use cherry syrup as an example; Because this flavor has many fans. You can use any other syrup depending on your preference. To make this delicious and cool drink, you need the following ingredients:

Sunich cherry syrup

2 tablespoon


As desired


As desired(optional)

Chia seed

As desired(optional)


In syrups, there are usually different flavorings such as cardamom and rose water, and there is no need to add them. First you need to prepare cherry syrup. To do this, mix the syrup with water and stir well until the syrup is completely dissolved in the water. Then it's time to prepare the chia seed. Put them in a strainerr and rinse under the tap. Then, put them in a container and add some boiling water to them to be prepared. Then add them to the cherry syrup, stir and put the mixture in the freezer. Then, follow the same steps as for the orange’s jello.


  1. How to make jello with cantaloupe

Cantaloupe’s jello is one of those things that many people make at home. There are several ways to make this delicious drink, and we will teach one of the most delicious ones here. The following ingredients are needed to prepare this drink:


400-500 gr

Water of catkin (pussy willow)

¼ cup


2/3 cup

Fresh lemon (for juice)


Lemon zest

As desired



Pour the water into the pot and put it on the flame until it boils. Mix the water of catkin and lemon juice. Then grate the lemon peel into it and then pour sugar into the mixture. Then add this mixture to the boiling water. After two to three minutes when this mixture boils, pass it through a strainer and let it cool. At the same time, put cantaloupe in a blender until it is completely pureed. Now pour the cooled syrup into the puree and put it in the freezer. When the jello became freezed, you crushed it with a fork into ice powder and pour it into the glass.

  1. How to make jello with strawberry and lemon

It takes a little time to prepare this delicious and different combination, but the result is so delicious that it is worth it. To make this combination, we first get to know the ingredients needed:




As desired


½ cup


½ kilo



A day before making this drink, put strawberries and a spoonful of sugar in a blender to make a puree. Put this puree in a closed container in the refrigerator. Then, it's time to make the lemon juice syrup. Pour the lemon juice into the container, then pour the water and sugar together in a ratio of one to one (for example, 2/3 glasses of water and 2/3 glasses of sugar) in a pan and put it on the flame until they mix together.

Now add this syrup to the lemon juice. Then add 3 cups of cold water to the mixture and stir it. Now pour 3/4 cup of lemon juice syrup and 3/4 cup of ice together in a blender until having a smooth mixture. Now pour this mixture into a glass and pour 1/4 cup of strawberry puree on it.


  1. How to make Italian jello

This special jello is a colorful combination of sour fruits that you should try. We have given the ingredients to prepare this jello below:


1 cup


3/4 cups

Orange juice

1/3 cup

Lamon juice

3 tablespoon

Lime juice

2 tablespoon

Sliced strawberry

4 cups

Lemon zest

2 teaspoon

Lime zest

1.5 teaspoon

Orange zest

1 teaspoon


our water, zests and sugar into the pot, stir well and let it boil well. Then reduce the flame and remove the lid of the pot to boil for another five minutes. Then, remove the pot from the flame to cool and then filter this mixture. Now it's time to add the orange juice and lemons to the mix. Then put half of this mixture with half of the strawberries in a blender to make a smooth mixture.

Then, pour the mixed ingredients and juices into separate containers and put them in the freezer to set. After three hours, take them out and stir and put them back in the freezer for three hours. About half an hour before serving, place the jello at room temperature to melt a little.


  1. How to prepare jello with Saffron

This delicious jello is one of those things that does not need fruit or juice. Saffron’s jello is not too difficult and it is prepared quickly. The necessary ingredients to prepare this jello include the following:


0.5 gr


2 cups

Sugar (desiered amount of honey)

½ cup

Rose water

As desired



First grind the saffron and pour it in a cup. Then put some ice on it and wait for it to brew. Then pour water in a bowl and add sugar to it. Stir well and then put this mixture in the freezer until it freezes. Then, puree this ice in a blender. Then, add saffron to the mixture, stir a little and then add rose water. This mixture should be put in the freezer until it freezes. Finally, take it out of the freezer and crush it with a fork. You can use honey instead of sugar to make saffron’s jello.


  1. How to make jello with soda

Well, this method does not need much explanation; Because you probably made jello with this method in your childhood. You just have to pour the orange or black soda into the container of your choice and leave it in the freezer until it freezes. Then, puree the frozen soda with an ice breaker or a fork. It takes several hours for the soda to freeze, and the exact time depends on the temperature of your freezer.

  1. How to make jello with watermelon

Can we not teach how to make jello with this lovely fruit? At all, a large part of the summer entertainments and events goes with the honorable presence of watermelon. Making this jello is not that difficult and does not take much time. The necessary ingredients to prepare this drink include the following:


200 gr


as desired


as desired


Cut the watermelon into small pieces and put them in a zip-top bag. Then, put this bag in the freezer to freeze. When the watermelon freezes, put it in a blender, add water and make a puree. Then add sugar to the mixture and stir again. Now put this mixture in the freezer to freeze. Then crush it with a fork or an ice breaker and pour it into a glass.



Jello is one of those drinks that can make you feel better on a hot and hard summer day. In this article, we taught you how to make jello in 11 different ways. We hope you enjoy making and eating them. If you know another way of making jello, teach us and the companions of Sunich blog in the comments section.