The amazing properties of appl

The amazing properties of apple juice for the stomach!

Maybe when you hear or see the word apple, you will remember the forbidden fruit that banished Adam and Eve to the earth; Or maybe you can imagine Apple’s bitten apple in your mind; But we promise you that after reading this article, when you hear the word apple, the first thing that comes to your mind is Sunich apple juice! But let’s go to the apple and the numerous properties of its juice!

Apple juice contains many minerals and vitamins that are used to prevent and treat various diseases. The most important properties of apple juice include improving heart health, easy digestion, detoxification, strengthening the immune system, hydration, reducing asthma symptoms, and helping to lose weight. If you haven’t included this magical drink in your diet, you should reconsider. If you ask why? Read on to learn more about the magical properties of apple juice for the stomach.

Nutritional value table of apple juice

Calories 114
Total fat 0.3 gr
Saturated fat 0.1 gr
Trans fat 0 gr
cholesterol 0 gr
sodium 9.9 mgr
carbohydrate 28 gr
Diet fiber 0.5 gr
sugar 23.9 gr
protein 0.2 gr
Vitamin C 2.2 mgr
iron 0.3 mgr
calcium 19.8 mgr
potassium 250.5 mgr
phosphor 17.4 mgr


Properties of apple juice for the stomach

If you feel pain in your stomach, drink some apple juice. The fibers and vitamins in apples are very useful for helping the health of the digestive system. Since it might be a bit difficult to get apple juice at home, you can safely use 1000cc Sunich apple juice, which consists of 100% fruit juice. Apple juice has the same properties as apples for the stomach, with the difference that it is easier to digest than the fruit itself. In addition to the properties, some other properties of apple juice for the stomach are as follows:


Protecting stomach cells

Most people start taking painkillers to relieve stomach pain, which has its own side effects. Anti-inflammatory pain relievers damage the lining of the stomach and over time cause the spread of stomach ulcers. Apples contain chlorogenic acid and catechin compounds that protect stomach cells.

Reduction of stomach ulcers

Apple juice contains large amounts of polyphenols. Polyphenol is a type of antioxidant that helps reduce stomach ulcers. Among other properties of apple juice for the stomach, we can mention the presence of probiotics in it. Probiotics improve the speed of ulcers in the lining of the stomach and small intestine. In addition, they improve the quality of food digestion and are very useful for people who suffer from constipation.

Help heal stomach ulcers

Some vitamins such as A and C have the ability to speed up the wound healing process. These two vitamins are present in apple juice. As a result, apple juice can help you heal stomach ulcers.

Help to better food digestion

Fiber is a natural substance found in most fruits, including apples. Fiber causes better digestion. Another property of apple juice for the stomach is to prevent the secretion of stomach acid, so if you plan to go on a diet to lose weight, but you cannot bear hunger due to stomach problems, drink apple juice to keep you full for a while.

Reducing gastric reflux

Most people who have stomach disease suffer from gastric reflux while sleeping or after eating. Gastric reflux is when food comes back up through your esophagus, causing burning and discomfort. Oral alkaline minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium can neutralize the effect of stomach acid. Apple juice is one of the drinks rich in these substances that can help your problem. This time if you eat food and get reflux, drink some apple juice to control it.

Other properties of apple juice

In addition to the properties of apple juice for the stomach, a glass of it provides a large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to your body. Apple juice is cholesterol-free and contains very little saturated fat, making it one of the healthiest fruits.

Apple juice is rich in antioxidants and helps to strengthen the immune system. This delicious juice is rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. These substances have anti-cancer, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Potassium in apple juice is very useful for heart health, stress reduction and blood pressure reduction and reduces the risk of heart disease. The presence of vitamin C in apple juice helps to improve skin health and is used in the natural treatment of skin inflammation, itching, skin infections, skin cracking and wrinkles.


How to add more apple juice to your diet?

  • Add apple juice to your smoothies;
  • Use apple juice as one of the components of salad dressing;
  • Use apple juice in homemade ice creams.



Apple, this heavenly fruit in attractive colors of red, yellow and green, is one of the oldest fruits that is cultivated all over the world and you can eat it raw or cooked, but in order to take advantage of its properties, it is better to Consume in the form of juice.

Along with the therapeutic and health aspect of apple juice, you can use it as a cool drink in the summer or a drink with food and even for a reception. If you want to get ready-made apple juice, remember to choose a brand that uses the least additives and sugar in its drinks. Sunich apple juice is a safe and affordable choice so that you can benefit from the properties of apple juice. To encourage children to drink apple juice, children’s Sunich apple juice is a suitable option for your dear children.

We hope, as we said at the beginning of the article, from now on, when you hear the word apple, you will think of Sunich apple juice. If you have been craving apple juice up to this point in the article and you are not ready to get apple juice at home for any reason, you can use ready-made and natural fruit juices from Sunich.


15 July 2023