The benefits of barberry juice

The benefits of barberry juice for fatty liver

If you have fatty liver, you must have heard about the benefits of barberry juice for fatty liver. This sour and delicious drink is obtained from dry or fresh barberry fruit with the scientific name Berberis vulgaris and has a unique power in burning fat. By drinking barberry juice, the liver tissue is restored, and of course, other organs of the body do benefit from its wonderful properties; So, if you want to know more about the benefits of barberry juice for fatty liver and learn how to prepare barberry juice, stay with Sunich.

Properties of barberry juice

The benefits of barberry juice are not only for the liver, and by drinking this pleasant drink, you protect your body in the following ways:

  • Barberry juice regulates blood insulin.
  • Barberry juice regulates body heat and helps reduce body heat.
  • By consuming this drink, you can help improve your body’s metabolism.
  • This drink helps to reduce the pains caused by addiction withdrawal.
  • Barberry juice is an excellent source of iron needed by the body and helps to make hemoglobin.
  • This sour drink lowers blood pressure.
  • Barberry juice is rich in vitamin C and helps to strengthen and improve mental and brain health.
  • Drinking barberry juice is effective in treating digestive problems such as diarrhea.
  • Barberry juice is an effective treatment for mouth sores.
  • This drink helps to treat tuberculosis.
  • Barberry juice; It is a suitable choice for eliminating urinary tract and bladder infections.

Properties of barberry juice for fatty liver

Detoxification and cleansing of the body are two important functions of the liver, but it is not surprising that a fatty and toxic liver performs its functions poorly. Fatty liver has different grades, and the more the accumulation and deposition of fat in the liver tissue, the more dangerous this disease will be. However, lifestyle changes and following a proper diet are the two main keys to changing these conditions.

For this, barberry is a valuable gift that nature has given us. Drinking the juice of these small fruits has a significant effect on the health of the liver and significantly cleans the stored fat accumulated in the liver tissues. But if you want to have a closer look at the benefits of barberry juice on fatty liver, pay attention to the following:

  • Barberry juice is a miraculous drink for purifying and cleansing the blood; Therefore, liver tissues will also receive healthier blood.
  • Consuming this drink regulates the activity and metabolism of the liver.
  • Barberry juice lowers bad blood cholesterol (LDL).
  • This drink has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and its consumption helps to treat infections caused by fatty liver.
  • Barberry juice is a strong stimulant to increase the production of bile in the liver and thus helps to reduce the level of liver fat.

How to make barberry juice at home

There are 2 ways to prepare a delicious homemade barberry juice. Of course, do not forget that it is better to use mountain barberry or black barberry to prepare barberry juice.

The first method to prepare homemade barberry juice

In this method, proceed according to the following steps:

  • First, clean 250 grams of black barberry completely and wash it gently with cold water.
  • Pour the washed barberry with 6 to 8 glasses of water into a non-metallic container and let it rest for 24 hours.
  • Next, pour the barberry and water mixture into a blender and mix for 30 seconds at medium speed.
  • Now strain the barberry juice using a suitable cloth or a fine strainer and pour it into glass bottles.

Note: Mixing barberry and water should be such that the barberry is broken and their water comes out. Over-mixing will cause the barberries to break up too much and make straining the barberry juice difficult.

The second method for preparing homemade blackberry juice

In this method, you should use barberry heating and act as follows:

  • Wash 250 grams of barberry with cold water and rinse.
  • Then, pour 6 cups of water into a suitable pot and put it on the gas flame until it reaches the boiling point.
  • Now remove the pot of water from the flame and pour the washed barberries into the boiling water.

Important note: Avoid boiling barberry and water, because this, in addition to destroying the properties of barberry, makes the taste of barberry water bitter.

  • Cover the pot and after it cools down, put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  • After this period, pass the barberry juice through a strainer and store it in clean jars in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of barberry juice

The useful life of barberry juice is not long and you should use the barberry juice in glass bottles inside the refrigerator within 1 week. Over time, barberry juice becomes carbonated and spoils, and it is not possible to store it in the refrigerator for a long time. A good solution is to freeze some fresh barberries and juice them as needed each time.


How to use blackberry juice for fatty liver

If you have fatty liver, consume this useful drink twice a day during a specific treatment period. The first time is one glass in the morning on an empty stomach and the second time is 1 glass at night and 2 hours before sleep.

Important note: Be careful that long-term consumption of barberry juice can damage the liver; Therefore, avoid excessive consumption and after a period of consumption, stop drinking it until the next period.

How to use barberry juice for weight loss

If you are looking to lose weight, drink 1 glass of barberry juice every day for half an hour before meals to see its miraculous effect after a short period of time.

Final word

If you are looking for defatting of the liver, make it a priority to make fresh homemade barberry juice. But if you like the taste of barberry and want to vitaminize your body, cherry nectar and barberry Sunich is a special offer in which you will feel a combined taste of barberry, cherry fruits and the taste of origan. In addition, the taste combination of barberry and pomegranate is something that you can easily experience by buying the antioxidant barberry and pomegranate juice drink of Sunich. We hope this article was useful for you; Be happy and healthy.

16 September 2023