Useful juices for children and

Useful juices for children and their physical growth and mental health

You may not know that the consumption of juice is limited for children; Of course, if the juices are healthy and natural and the global standards are met, they are not prohibited for children. However, children under 6 months should be exclusively breastfed so that their health is not compromised; But for children 6 months and older, you can step into the colorful world of juices and use them for your beloved baby along with mother’s milk. In any case, in the continuation of this article, we will tell you which drinks in the juice category are useful for children and of course to what extent you are allowed to use them for children.

Benefits of juice for children

Juices undoubtedly have many benefits for children, and in this section we will tell you how effective children’s juices can be in your child’s development. You may not know that if you use natural juices, these juices can be as good as a meal for your child.
Some juices contain vitamin C and vitamin D, while also being fortified with calcium. Others are rich in potassium and vitamin E and help to make your child’s body immune to diseases. We remind you that juices rich in vitamin C greatly reduce the risk of heart problems and cancer in adulthood for your children. Also, if you use juices that contain ascorbic acid, you have helped your child absorb food iron. Especially if your child’s diet contains iron or your child suffers from anemia, juices containing ascorbic acid will be necessary for them.
Of course, make sure that these drinks must be 100% fresh and natural and no artificial sugars have been used in them. Because artificial sugars endanger the health of your children’s body, mouth and teeth.

List of useful juices for children

As you know, children are picky and stubborn about the food they eat. Accordingly, choosing food and juice for children is a big challenge for adults. For this reason, we will introduce you a practical list of useful juices for children so that you will face less problems in choosing and preparing their favorite drink.

Apple juice, carrot and beet juice

This useful and magical combination has a taste that your child will love. Three nutrients and rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A. Besides having a world of properties, this juice also has a convenient way to prepare it. To prepare it, you only need an apple or a packet of Sunich children’s apple juice. Now you have to combine it with the juice of two carrots and half a beet. Do not forget to wash the fruits well and put them in the juicer. In addition, for serving this drink to children, be sure to use impressive decorations to double the pleasure of drinking this drink for your child.

Lemon juice and apple juice

The combination of lemon juice and apple juice is a special and wonderful combination that provides a useful drink rich in calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C for your child. This drink guarantees the health of their intestines as well as their digestive system, and besides these things, it also leads to the transparency of their skin and the improvement of their respiratory system. Also, the antioxidants in these vitamins help your child’s body to be resistant to viral diseases. It is enough to combine half a lemon juice with the juice of two apples or a packet of children’s Sunich apple juice.

Strawberry and apple juice

This juice is very useful for your child due to the simultaneous presence of vitamin C and fiber. Strawberry and apple juice contains a lot of antioxidants and of course it will help your child absorb iron. In addition, this combination completely strengthens their immune system and makes them resistant to cancer and infectious diseases. To prepare this juice, it is enough to combine 2 glasses of strawberry juice with the juice of an apple and finally give it to your child. The point that you should pay attention to when preparing this juice is that you should soak the strawberries in water for approximately 2-3 hours before preparing the juice, so that if there are any toxic substances in the strawberries, they will be separated from them.

Orange juice

It is good to know that orange juice contains magnesium, folate, vitamin C, potassium and many minerals that strengthen your child’s immune system and play an effective role in skin and hair health. To prepare orange juice, you can take the juice of one or two oranges and give it to your child. But if you don’t have oranges available, a packet of Children’s Sunich orange juice can be just as useful.
The age that we can give juice to children:
The best time to use juice for children depends on their diet. But in general, doctors believe that children over 6 months are not prohibited from consuming fruit juice. Of course, this consumption should be limited and reduced to approximately a quarter of a glass of juice. Some doctors also believe that under no circumstances you shouldn’t give a child juice until he is 12 months old.

Amount of juice consumption for children

If you plan to give juice to your child, it is necessary to know the appropriate amount of its consumption at any age. Briefly and usefully, it can be said that:

  • Children aged 1 to 3 years are allowed to consume a maximum of half a glass of juice during the day, which is equivalent to 118 ml.
  • Children aged 4 to 6 years can also consume three-quarters of a glass of juice during the day, which is equivalent to 177 ml.
  • Children 7 years old and older are also allowed to consume one glass of juice or 236 ml of juice during the day.

Useful juice for babies

As we said, doctors have allowed the consumption of fruit juice for children from the age of six months. But they have advised that it is better to consume fruit juice for children from 12 months onwards. However, some children willy-nilly go towards consuming adult foods. Meanwhile, by mentioning some simple but important points, we allow the use of fruit juice for babies 6 months and older.

• First of all, make sure that your child should not drink juice at any time of the day.
• In addition, the juice used by your child must be completely healthy, natural and fresh.
• Also, be careful not to pour juice into your child’s milk bottle and give him juice little by little with a small spoon. For example, give him one spoon and then two spoons of juice in the first days.
• We recommend that you dilute the juice with water at a ratio of 1 to 3 so that it is not difficult for your child to digest.
• Note that you should start giving juice to your child with a single fruit such as apple or carrot so that their digestive system gets used to juice over time.
• Before that, make sure that your child is not allergic to any particular juice.
• Do not use raw vegetables and fruits in 6 months to 7 months.
• At 8 months old, you can slowly give your baby raw fruits along with juice.
• Finally, we recommend that you use mild and moderate juices such as apple, carrot, and pear at the beginning.

Juice is the best drink for children

Even if you don’t agree, as time goes by, your child will be more willing to try different foods. Meanwhile, breast milk is considered among the healthiest drinks; But over time, you have to acquaint them with other drinks and foods and get used to it. Juices are among the drinks that can play the role of a supplement for your child if they are healthy, fresh and without additives.
Even after your child reaches a certain age, instead of mixing cereals with milk, you can combine them with your child’s favorite juice. This will make their taste familiar with other foods and the necessary nutrients and minerals will be delivered to their body. We hope this article be useful for you. In the end, we will be happy if you share your opinions and experiences with us and other companions of Sunich site.