What is the fasting diet and h

What is the fasting diet and how does it cause weight loss?

What is fasting diet? Is modern fasting the same as fasting? These days, websites, scientific and medical articles, and cyberspace are filled with supporters and opponents of the fasting diet. Each group considers their point of view superior. But we at Sunich Healthy Lifestyle consider it our duty to share the latest and most accurate scientific information with you.

The fasting diet is perhaps one of the newest and most special types of diets. A diet that has different models and methods, each of which has its own advantages and conditions. Fasting 12 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours? Which has more impact? Which one is right for you?

How does the fasting diet cause weight loss?

First of all, let’s find out how the fasting diet works on the body. How with fasting, the body burns fat and eventually causes slimming and weight loss. Fasting causes weight loss by making the body sensitive to insulin.

In other words:

In the fasting diet, you alternate between the hours of fasting and the hours when you can eat. The idea of a fasting diet is that during the hours when you don’t eat and your body doesn’t get calories, it uses fat as an energy source instead of sugar, which makes you lose weight.

In this diet, you are not told what to eat. Rather, they remind you of the eating hours. According to this pattern, you will not eat for hours. For this reason, the body does not receive any calories.

So, instead of sugar, stored fats will be used as a source of energy. In the same way, slimming and weight loss take place.


What is the difference between fasting and fasting?

Despite the similarities between fasting diet and fasting (religious one); But there are also differences between the two. One of these differences is that the hours of the fasting diet, unlike the hours of religious fasting, can experience changes and transformations

Types of fasting diet

You can implement fasting diet in different ways. Among the popular types of this diet, we can mention the 8.16 fasting diet, 5.2 diet, 12-hour diet, 24-hour diet, etc.

Be sure to consult your doctor before choosing and starting a fasting diet to achieve weight loss. In the following, we will give a brief description of these slimming methods.

Fasting diet 16.8

This type of food and diet pattern is very similar to fasting. The main difference with fasting is that in the 16.8 diet, there are 16 hours of fasting and you have 8 hours to eat two to three meals.

In fact, your fasting lasts from after dinner to lunch the next day. Be aware of the fact that in the two to three hours you have time to eat, you should eat healthy and unprocessed foods and do not include high-calorie products in your food basket.

You can drink water, tea, or non-caloric drinks between dinner and lunch tomorrow. In your meals, it is better to eat fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, berries, oranges, peaches, etc.

Include whole grains in your meals and use healthy fats for oils in your diet. Your main effort should be to use rich protein sources.

Fasting diet 5.2

In this type of fasting diet, you can eat normal and healthy foods 5 days a week. But on the other two days of the week, consume only 500 to 600 calories. It is better to eat 500 to 600 calories divided into two meals and protein foods, nuts, beans, carrots and strawberries. foods that are high in fiber; But their sugar is low.


12-hour fasting diet

Another type of fasting diet is the 12-hour diet, where you must not eat anything for 12 hours. For the remaining 12 hours, you can eat the meals you want. With this method, you can manage your weight or improve your metabolic health.


24-hour fasting diet

This diet is called eat and stop diet. During this pattern, you should fast for 24 hours, i.e. one or two days a week. It doesn’t matter what time you start and end the 24 hours. In any case, there will be no difference as a result.

However, you can use healthy and calorie-free drinks such as water and tea during the diet. But you should not eat high-calorie or foods.

Many people make up for the uneaten foods and overeat on the days after the 24-hour diet, which is fundamentally wrong and prevents you from losing weight.

Fasting diet every other day

In this diet, as the name suggests, you eat every other day. You can implement and run this diet with different patterns and models. For example, during a fasting day, only allow yourself to transfer 500 calories to your body.

This diet is rarely used due to its difficulty. On the other hand, it should not be used in the long term.


In this diet you do not eat for hours of the day. For this reason, the amount of calories received by the body decreases. This factor also plays an effective role in losing weight. On the other hand, with the help of this diet, you can change the level of some of your hormones. For example, reduce insulin levels and help increase growth hormone levels.

Hormonal changes also help to release a hormone called noradrenaline in the body. The release of this hormone plays a role in fat burning and helps in weight loss. In general, with the fasting diet, you can increase the body’s metabolism and increase it to 3.6-14% and lose 3-8% of your weight in a period of 3-24 weeks.

This diet has an effective role in reducing belly and side fat and leads to less muscle volume reduction. Be aware that people with specific underlying diseases such as digestive problems, cardiovascular diseases and pregnant women should not use this diet. Others should consult their doctor before starting a fasting diet.

16 February 2024