What should we eat to lighten

What should we eat to lighten the skin?

We all know that an important part of beauty is to have clear and fresh skin. Of course, there are many products for brightening and rejuvenating the skin, but maybe it’s better to ask what should we eat to brighten the skin?… The fact is that a good diet will show its effect on your skin very soon; So if you want to lighten your skin tone and look younger, stay with us in this article from Sunich to provide you with a list of the best and easiest skin lightening fruits and drinks.

Skin lightening fruits and vegetables

Fruits are the easiest and most accessible options, you can count on to lighten your skin tone. Just include them raw in your snacks or spend a little more time and make a delicious natural juice. In addition, the use of orange vegetables such as pumpkin and carrot is very effective in this regard and makes the skin young and fresh. Next, we mention some skin-friendly fruits that can easily replace skin lightening creams:


  1. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is the elixir of youth and has a wonderful effect on the skin. Ellagic acid and Punicalagin present in pomegranate seeds are an effective defense shield against free radical damage and help skin collagen production. In addition, this unique fruit is one of the most powerful and effective blood purifiers and brightens the complexion.

  1. Lime

Lime; It is an excellent source of various antioxidants and vitamin C, which reduce the melanin under the skin and thereby help lighten the skin. In addition, the fruit ensures the balance of sodium and potassium in the body’s cells and strengthens the body’s immune system.

  1. Watermelon

The red color of watermelon is the result of the presence of an antioxidant called lycopene, which helps improve blood circulation and skin clarity. In addition, this antioxidant, with other antioxidants and vitamin C in watermelon, plays an effective role in strengthening the body’s immune system and skin collagen, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


  1. Kiwi

If you want to have beautiful, clear and bright skin, find strong sources of vitamin C like kiwi. This fruit has a significant effect on skin whitening, and even if you are not allergic, you can apply some of it on your face as a skin lightening mask. If you would like to try a combination flavor with this fruit, Sunich’s Kiwi Apple Smoothie is a special offer, without added cholesterol and sugar.


  1. Orange

Another rich source of vitamin C is oranges. Consuming this fruit strengthens the skin’s ability to deal with sun damage. In addition, vitamin C is an essential factor for collagen formation and contributes to the freshness and firmness of the skin.

  1. Tomatoes

If you’re looking for a natural sunscreen, look no further than tomatoes. It is interesting to know that this fruit, in addition to brightening the skin, also treats uneven skin color and removes brown skin spots. This fruit is a natural defense shield against the harmful rays of the sun, and its consumption has many health benefits in addition to skin health; including fighting cancer.

Use this fruit orally or as a skin lightening mask, and if you wish, order tomato juice from Sunich.


  1. Apple

As long as you have access to apples, having clear and beautiful skin is not far away. This wonderful fruit is an antioxidant bomb and prevents premature aging of the skin. In addition, apples and apple juice are among collagen-forming foods that strengthen skin elasticity. Of course, the retinoid in apples is also effective in strengthening the skin. In short, if you don’t want to spend a lot of money to lighten your skin, find apple and trust its properties completely.


  1. Cucumber

Another simple and accessible way to have clear skin is to use cucumber. This fruit is a natural hydrator and rich in vitamin B and micronutrients that help clear skin.

Cucumber juice also contains compounds such as caffeine acid and ascorbic acid, which increase the water retention capacity of the skin, and as a result, you will have fresher and younger skin.


Some mixed juices to lighten the skin

Combining skin-friendly fruits and vegetables makes for powerful potions that can turn your skin from one side to the other. Just try them for a while to see their miraculous effect on your skin. In the following, we introduce some of these mixed drinks:


  1. Carrots and beets

Carrots contain high amounts of vitamin A and retinol and improve collagen production in the body. In addition, it reduces skin wrinkles and brightens the skin. Beetroot is also a natural blood purifier and detoxifies the body well. The combination of these two ingredients makes a unique potion that brightens and refreshes the skin.


  1. Cucumber juice and ginger extract

We talked about cucumber before, but adding some ginger to cucumber juice will multiply its properties. This useful drink has a great effect on detoxifying the body and reducing inflammation. In addition, it hydrates the body well and improves skin elasticity and softness.

  1. Spinach and celery juice

Celery juice is rich in vitamins A, C and K and nourishes the skin well. Spinach, as one of the green leafy vegetables, is an excellent source of various antioxidants and vitamin C, which improves skin inflammations and neutralizes the destructive activity of free radicals in the body. So combine the juice of these two wonderful vegetables to get one of the best drinks for skin lightening.


  1. Lemon juice and ginger extract

If you want to have smooth and healthy skin, take lemon juice seriously. Lemon is rich in antioxidant compounds and vitamin C and has antibacterial properties. Ginger has similar properties and these two substances together make a strong antibacterial compound that cleans the intestines well. This inner cleansing will have a clear outer appearance, which is your clear and elegant skin.


Final word

In this article from Sunich, we introduced 12 drinks and fruits useful for skin lightening. Although the vitamins and nutrients of these fruits and juices do their natural work, remember that having beautiful and fresh skin is the result of a healthy lifestyle, which nutrition is a part of that. In other words, in addition to a correct and principled diet, don’t forget to exercise daily, drink enough water, and sleep well at night. Be happy and healthy.

07 September 2023